Good home workouts



Hey, im going out of town with my family next week and im going to be gone for 1 week. Ill still be able to goto school but not to training. I just want to know if this is a good home exersice. Please post some suggestions also.:asian:


run 1 mile;
run 2 miles;
hit the bags for 3 minutes;
crunchs for 1 minute;
bag work 3 min;
reverse crunch;
more bag work;
push ups;
35 kicks each leg;
When you go out of town, you have bags with you? For Thai, your running and crunches will help keep you in shape along with shadow boxing.

I think the key is to be able to do as much of what you already do while traveling. If you want ideas for regular home workouts. In my living room I have a treadmill, a cobra reflex bag and an Americanized Mook jong(Gung-Fu dummy) and a grappling dummy.
I also hace attachments set up to hook up my double end bags and a round timer too.
Originally posted by akja
a cobra reflex bag and an Americanized Mook jong(Gung-Fu
dummy) and a grappling dummy. I also have attachments set up
to hook up mt double end bags and a round timer too.

Interesting. Can you possibly put a link to these devices? I'm
especially interested in what an "Americanized Mook Jong" is?
Its a relex bag. You learn to punch a headsize target that moves. Take a close up for now at that site. I'll take a picture of mine but I don't have digital so I do it the long way. Mine I added foam in the center, over the spring for another target.
The royal court i.e. Hindu squats, Hindu push-ups and bridging.

Throw in some handstand push-ups and dynamic tension exercises and your all set ;)

Best of all, it costs you nothing but your time.
muayThaiPerson, whats with the C/C++ style syntax for your workout? You do it on your computer or something? ;-)
'Staff' training is great as well. Go down to the Home Depot and get a thick closet rod at least as tall as you. Grip it close to the base and use it for wrist curls up & down and side to side.

A windlass is also great for grip, wrist and forearms.

And they are very inexpensive. about a buck a foot for the wooden rod.
