Global Kenpo Council


Feb 15, 2002
Reaction score
Scottsdale, Arizona
If we could develop such a vehicle...... who should be in it, what would you have each do, how would you structrue it, for what purpose, what would be the curriculum flexability (if any), and how would you start it.........

That would be a dream!..if you had some amswers to your questions.I have always felt that Kenpo could be a more competitive MA than Teakwondo has become,don't give up getting answers!
Goldendragon7 said:
If we could develop such a vehicle...... who should be in it, what would you have each do, how would you structrue it, for what purpose, what would be the curriculum flexability (if any), and how would you start it.........


To start out, a member of all major systems of Kenpo to be reperesented on the board with rotating Leadership every year. :asian:
RCastillo said:
To start out, a member of all major systems of Kenpo to be reperesented on the board with rotating Leadership every year. :asian:

That sounds like a good idea, but maybe a 2 year term v.s. just one year, but longer than that, would be possibly too dominant toward one person or philosophy.

There would need to be a board of "major members"
Gary Crawford said:
There would need to be a board of "major members"

That also sounds good.... Who would you think would be on that board.... Who do you consider "Major Members" or leaders?

The list of possible " board if directors" could be quite long.I can think of as many as 50 people qualified.I'd start by seeing who would want to do it.One thing about Kenpo systems that I have come to realize is that ther are far more registered Black Belts than any other system in the world,and Masters as well.That would be my sugestion,put out as many "feelers" as posible to see who would be interested.Then look at that list.Try to pick the ones who represent the most schools as possible,then a few independants to keep the rest of then honest.Then,the hard part,get them ALL together to agree(HaHa!)on a constitution.It can be done though with the right leadership!
Gary Crawford said:
The list of possible " board if directors" could be quite long.I can think of as many as 50 people qualified.I'd start by seeing who would want to do it.One thing about Kenpo systems that I have come to realize is that ther are far more registered Black Belts than any other system in the world,and Masters as well.That would be my sugestion,put out as many "feelers" as posible to see who would be interested.Then look at that list.Try to pick the ones who represent the most schools as possible,then a few independants to keep the rest of then honest.Then,the hard part,get them ALL together to agree(HaHa!)on a constitution.It can be done though with the right leadership!

Good thoughts..... so post you possible list.

Identify those who are the best in certain areas to have them bring their specialties to the art...encyclopedia, speed, power, knife, stick, ground fighting, etc. Bring them together as the council.

Gary Crawford said:
go to he flame achives,family tree would be a good place to start

Too easy... and not really effective {IMHO}..... To broad a list because, many are Dead, inactive, disappeared, changed systems, etc. we need specific names to start a qualified list, then make calls if anything is to advance.

Old Guy said:
Identify those who are the best in certain areas to have them bring their specialties to the art...encyclopedia, speed, power, knife, stick, ground fighting, etc. Bring them together as the council. Cheers, OG

Another great comment but no names to start the list with. :idunno: :rolleyes: :lookie:
You have to get like-minded people to come together for the same cause. Even if you find the skilled ones, they may have no interest. There's a lot of ego out there. Good luck though :asian:
If I were to seriously consider such an endeavor, I would have to look to the model of our government. There are very specific guidelines. First off, like any governing body, a constitution must be written and ratified. Once a basic framework was in place, then the leaders should start being elected. Again, I would use our government as the model with a president, vice president,(regardless of organization) and a congress. The congress also has the sub-division of Senators (regardless of organization) and Representatives (X number allowed from each organization with a sliding scale depending on size and geographics). Each of these offices is an elected official. Some of the whole governing body, others from their area of residence. Each's term is also governed to a set amount of time before they can be re-elected or ousted. In a situation like this, were I writing the draft of the constitution, I would spell out that the President and Vice President must be from different organizations and at least a rank of 7th degree(legitimate). While in office and presiding over anything official, no actual rank designator would be worn as it would be counterproductive and irrelevant. I would further stipulate that each Senator be at least 5th degree and each representative at least a second degree. Each to be elected by Kenpo practitioners. The poll keepers would not be allowed to run for office while holding those positions. With a governing body in place, committees could be formed that could look into issues of curriculuum. Once a committee has reached a resolution it is presented to the "House" and then the "Senate", etc. AS with anything as large as Kenpo, there must be checks and balances to keep the whole thing from becoming lopsided or just an extension of someone else's organization. One of the things that would need to be addressed early on in terms of curriculuum is not wether 32-24-16 is more valid, but what constitutes quality of technique. Sub-Commitees for promotions could also be convened, world wide. This would allow a common standard to be set forth, regardless of curriculuum.

I suppose the thought would be to have a blanket organization that encourages unity among the various groups. One of the main concerns should probably be quality of instruction and understanding of concepts and principles. At some point there should be the goal to share best practices among the various groups to allow the system to grow from the collective synergy. I think it would be a mistake to try to conform everyone’s techniques only because there will always be different methods of execution. Of course the die hards may argue otherwise. Without this kind of flexibility such a group will never materialize.

How would/could you start it? Regionally would be the best idea. Challenge each state to come together to form groups that support each others seminars, share technique ideas and best practices on training and teaching. I could see Houston, San Antonio and Austin doing this given their proximity. El Paso and Dallas would be a little more of a challenge given the distance, but it is very possible with the right people leading the charge. Ultimately things like this have the potential to be stifled by the big three (Money, Egos and Money)…Instead of a global council I would suggestion regional collectives that tie together and then build from that.

In regards to leaders of this council, I think too many chiefs would be a mistake. I think if you had regional collectives each one could have technical advisors for that region that assist to move the system forward and at the same time confer with each other on advances in the system. But they wouldn’t have any “authority” on how clubs or schools ran their programs. No one I know is looking to pick up a dictator. Also larger states could have more than one collection of technical advisors to cover a particular area.

Finally, they should look outside they system, or to Kenpoist with expertise in organizational development and money management. The two areas we have failed at so often.

In terms of who these collective leaders should be? I suppose regionally the Indians could collectively choose the chiefs will be. We already know who the big names are, but the question is could you find the sleepers that are grinding away everyday training hard at the system? I don’t know they may be too busy training to get involved in any kind of politics.

Just my thoughts, jb :asian:
Seig said:
If I were to seriously consider such an endeavor, I would have to look to the model of our government. There are very specific guidelines. First off, like any governing body, a constitution must be written and ratified. Once a basic framework was in place, then the leaders should start being elected. Again, I would use our government as the model with a president, vice president,(regardless of organization) and a congress. The congress also has the sub-division of Senators (regardless of organization) and Representatives (X number allowed from each organization with a sliding scale depending on size and geographics). Each of these offices is an elected official. Some of the whole governing body, others from their area of residence. Each's term is also governed to a set amount of time before they can be re-elected or ousted. In a situation like this, were I writing the draft of the constitution, I would spell out that the President and Vice President must be from different organizations and at least a rank of 7th degree(legitimate). While in office and presiding over anything official, no actual rank designator would be worn as it would be counterproductive and irrelevant. I would further stipulate that each Senator be at least 5th degree and each representative at least a second degree. Each to be elected by Kenpo practitioners. The poll keepers would not be allowed to run for office while holding those positions. With a governing body in place, committees could be formed that could look into issues of curriculuum. Once a committee has reached a resolution it is presented to the "House" and then the "Senate", etc. AS with anything as large as Kenpo, there must be checks and balances to keep the whole thing from becoming lopsided or just an extension of someone else's organization. One of the things that would need to be addressed early on in terms of curriculuum is not wether 32-24-16 is more valid, but what constitutes quality of technique. Sub-Commitees for promotions could also be convened, world wide. This would allow a common standard to be set forth, regardless of curriculuum.
One man's legit 7th degree, is another man's fraud whom doesn't own enough schools to justify his or her rank. I don't know, its never going to happen, so why worry about the details?
Am I mistaken or hasn't this already been tried with the American Kenpo Senior Council, now defunct?

Bill Parsons
Triangle Kenpo Institute
bdparsons said:
Am I mistaken or hasn't this already been tried with the American Kenpo Senior Council, now defunct? Respects, Bill Parsons Triangle Kenpo Institute

AKSC is not defunt. Just isn't as active as is could be at this point.
