Gi Joe


Mon Mon

okay how many were fans of GI JOE the cartoon and the dolls What was your favorite Joe.
I used to watch the cartoon as much as I could. As for dolls I don't know, I had the little posable figures. My favorite was that one guy who showed up later in the show that was able to change colors. Can't recall his name at the moment but at that point in my life it was cool.:shrug:
Yo Joe!

Its on again on Cartoon Network at like 1am sometimes.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
I used to watch the cartoon as much as I could. As for dolls I don't know, I had the little posable figures. My favorite was that one guy who showed up later in the show that was able to change colors. Can't recall his name at the moment but at that point in my life it was cool.:shrug:

You call them Dolls :confused:
Joes and Turtles are like NC17 for todays standards. I mean GI Joes with guns.. and turtles with swords and martial arts.

Cartoons today are about magic and cards, non-violent combat with mythical nonexistant beasts. (Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, Digimon)
Come on they still play those old bugs buney cartoons. And those are more violent that GI joe by far.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
I used to watch the cartoon as much as I could. As for dolls I don't know, I had the little posable figures. My favorite was that one guy who showed up later in the show that was able to change colors. Can't recall his name at the moment but at that point in my life it was cool.:shrug:

"Zartan" Master of disguise.

I think I also had the swamp bike he had, that also changed colors.

I loved the "Action Figures" but I didn't much care for the show. I preferred Robotech, and even Transformers. The G.I. Joe action figures were great, really posable. I like them better than the Star Wars action figures, as they didn't have knee, elbow, or waist joints, but I liked the Star Wars vehicles. So I mixed and match. I guess I "cross-trained" toys back then.

By the way, the "dolls" may be in reference to the original G.I. Joe 12" dolls, such as Bulletman, Eagle Eyes, etc. In recent years, the 12" dolls have come back, but are regular soldier types. Not so superhero like.
I use to have the entire GI Joe action figure collection. As for the cartoon, it was decent but I liked the comic series much better.

Now if you're talking about the 12 inch GI Joes, which I had several of as well as a few Action Jackson toys, those brings back some fond memories from when I lived in LA. We use to live next door to a lumber yard and I use to get free wood scraps to build a GI Joe tower. It was huge and me and my friends had a blast
Originally posted by Mormegil
"Zartan" Master of disguise.

Cool, that was it!! Then a little later on they brought in another male and a female that was just like him changing colors and stuff.
Things that bugged me about the G.I. Joe cartoon, even as a kid:

1) ALL the guns fired lasers. Even a gun that was obviously a modern day firearm shot lasers.

2) Apparently, everybody could shoot vehicles and buildings, but they found it impossible to shoot another person.

3) It was a Hana-Barbera cartoon. Retch.

As for the Ninja Turtles, I used to read the original B&W comic long before they made the cartoon. The cartoon made me want to poke my eyes out. I'm still repressing the movies. The new cartoon sounds like they're going to follow the original comic more closely.

Originally posted by Elfan
Come on they still play those old bugs buney cartoons. And those are more violent that GI joe by far.

haha...very true...but you only see them on cartoon network at weird hours anymore. i wouldn't say kids are getting constant exposure to those cartoons. i'd have to say that Tom & Jerry was the most violent cartoon i've ever witnessed. i mean for God's sake, that cat got his tail chopped off in every episode i think.

even show like the turtles were subject to violence surpression. remember when they replaced michalangelo's nunchaku with some stupid turtle shell grappling hook? it was something along the lines of kids making their own makshift "chucks" and smacking each other around with them. G.I. Joe was pretty tame too...for a show that was basically about war. I don't think anyone was ever shot during that show...all the lasers would just blaze by their heads.
Originally posted by Cthulhu
As for the Ninja Turtles, I used to read the original B&W comic long before they made the cartoon. The cartoon made me want to poke my eyes out. I'm still repressing the movies. The new cartoon sounds like they're going to follow the original comic more closely.


i've caught a few of the episodes of the new turtles series and it does stay closer to the comic, IE: april is baxter stockman's lab assistant, not a reporter. i remember the original cartoon started out pretty well the first couple episodes...then the art changed. the turtles were drawn all cutesy and they never actually sliced into any of the enemies anymore. and the animation was pretty crappy as well.

i doubt they would ever go back to the original way the turtles were drawn in the comics...not that i mind that.
New Turtles are okay I think the only two people that ever got hurt besides for being punched out were Duke and Cobra Commander and both of them were in the movie.