Games that help Martial Arts


Master Black Belt
What games have you played that, without knowing at the time helped your martial arts?

example.."slaps" One person holds hands palms down on top the other persons palms up. the palms up person tries to slap the hands of the palms down person. Another version is to hold palms out in front palm to palm, the other person holds hands to ears and tries to slap the other guys hands.

What are some others? Tag, King of the Mountain, Kick the can, etc?
Tae Kwon Do baseball, Crab Soccer, and my favorite king of the mountain.. GOD BLESS AMERICA
Terry, I must have missed that completely in my life- What is King of the Mountain?

In our school, we use foam/closed cell balls to toss up in the air and either round kick for beginners or spin heel or jump spin heel for advanced. Or throw 2 or three balls to spin 2-3 times around like the master does.(Note: If the balls are too hard they cause damage to the room and other people :D )

Or he uses the balls (in a bucket) to practice throwing at us and we have to dodge the balls. If we get hit, we are out. If a ball comes back, he gets another ball. If we catch the ball, we throw it back, still don't get to be the thrower. Don't get what it is doing for us, but is great fun for him. :shrug:

We also have hanging balls, made by our resident engineer (weight business) They are on metal rods and are adjustable in height and swinging for target practice. Not much satisfaction in hitting though. TW
arnisandyz said:
What games have you played that, without knowing at the time helped your martial arts? QUOTE]

I was more referring to childhood games you played as a kid with other kids, that while playing, didn't have any connection to Martial Arts at the time. Games like TKD baseball, and throwing balls up to practice round kicks (although good training aids) are specific games designed with Martial Arts in mind.

How about "hackey-sac", "hopscotch", "jumprope", countless noogies, indian burns and wedges that you later rediscovered into your pressure point fighting? How about mind/strategy games like checkers?
Hacky Sac is good to play, when your trying to keep it alive and you have to re-act. Hacky Sac brings back memories when back in the days when tournaments gave out to participates these things that were cut out paper stacks attached with feathers, they were like circle shape paper in a small stack. The stack was about an inch and the feathers stood out of them about six inches. I was to young to figure out what they were for, but everybody at least we used to use them to kick around. I think it might have been a kung-fu thing. Anybody remember this?
Dodgeball and basketball both great for manuvering and evasions...any of the fighting I did will all of my siblings, and Indian burns...oooohhh nasty! trying to catch them,avoid being caught, and finding a way to release their grip on you.
Ninja tag! one person starts as the ninja and the others all hide around the one block playing area. You can only tag the torso so a lot of blocking happens when you are confronted by the ninja. When you tag someone without them seeing you ahead of time and yelling the safe word (we usually use HAIKU!) they become the ninja. By the middle of the game no one knows who the heck is the ninja so you become really paranoid and you sneak about and hide trying to stay away from everyone.
Okay, games/sports that aren't used by martial arts but do help martial arts.

My teenage son who was a 1st dan, before he quit, was also heavily into skateboarding, ramps, flips. I think that helped him alot with the athletic side of Taekwondo. His abdominals got stronger. All that twisting is what we do in TKD. His jumping ability was awesome. TW
I have a favorite: STICKY HANDS!

Here's how it works, two people stand facing each other. They put their wrists together, and they move around, trying to strike their opponent in the face or body. This teaches you to feel your opponents movements, and help learn to react more sharply. I suggest you try it, it's fun!!!
TigerWoman said:
Okay, games/sports that aren't used by martial arts but do help martial arts.

My teenage son who was a 1st dan, before he quit, was also heavily into skateboarding, ramps, flips. I think that helped him alot with the athletic side of Taekwondo. His abdominals got stronger. All that twisting is what we do in TKD. His jumping ability was awesome. TW

good one. I used to surf alot and the balance learned doing that really helped my TKD.
pete said:
stickball and ringalivio...

I study Arnis (we use the stick alot) stickball, baseball, tennis, even golf has helped me with the mechanics of hitting with the stick.
TigerWoman said:
Terry, I must have missed that completely in my life- What is King of the Mountain? . TW

TW - King of the Mountain is when you have somebody start at the top of a hill and the others try and 'dethrown" him by knocking him off, when they do, they become king. What a great game!
mj-hi-yah said:
.any of the fighting I did will all of my siblings

Having siblings and the stupid games and tricks we played on each other has definately has helped me in my Martial Arts (and life for that matter).