Forum Abuse, and User Banning

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
This is a notification that 2 users have been banned for abuse of forum policy.

Judo_Kid and Kenpo_Dude are the same individual. If not, they are using the same computer. In any event, due to their actions they have been banned from this forum.

Bob Hubbard
MartialTalk Administrator
Thank-you as I was getting sick of the inanity that they/he kept posting. What a waste of my time!

I think you and the other moderators have done
quite well before and also here in this case.

Thank you for your time and concern.

Banning is always a difficult balance between the health and integrity of the forum on one hand and sending the message that you're free to post your opinion here without fear that there'll be retaliation on the other.
Originally posted by arnisador

Banning is always a difficult balance between the health and integrity of the forum on one hand and sending the message that you're free to post your opinion here without fear that there'll be retaliation on the other.

Not to worry, let me do it!:rofl:

The Hired Gun from Texas.:2pistols:
And another moron bites the dust :cool:

But on the serious side, I was totaly oblivious to this person, and looking at it now, glad of it. I guess I should read more posts more often :shrug:

I dont like the idea of banning folks. Sometimes its real gray, but in this case it was pretty clear cut. I prefer to give folks time to 'feel things out' and 'grow'.

My GF says that 'nice guy' attitudes what keeps me from being a full dark jedi...if I could only cast lightning from my fingers..... :)