

Black Belt
Apr 25, 2003
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how manys forms/katas are there now?...weren't there only 5 when SGM Parker died?...well..short1/long1...short 2/long I hear of form 10....who made these forms up?
My present understanding is that in the kenpo I study, there are 3 short forms, 6 empty-hand long forms, a stick form, and a knife form.

I've heard of a short form 4, but I believe it came about as an transition to Long 4.

There're also sets, and whatever individual forms students devise.
Hi Robert,

There are short versions of AK 5 and 6 taught by some people as well.

If some forms were made up after Mr Parkers death, who made them up? And could different organizations have a different version of a form with the same name? I am relativly new to the art and was under the impression that forms were handed down from or approved by Mr Parker.
The forms as listed (Short 1 etc.) all were approved by Mr. Parker. Short 4 is just Long 4 done on alternating sides starting with the right (not doing both sides), and yes Mr. Parker did teach this form, I have him and Joe Palanzo on video at a camp teaching this. Using the same logic you can do Short 5, 6 etc.

However the forms are just exercises to teach elements of the art. Therefore it is natural that some people create their own forms to train a specific portion of the art that they are interested in or need to work on. If someone creates a form that emphasizes something I need to work on I'm all for it.
We have to create a form of our own to reach Black Belt. Three techniques form each belt level. I always chose techniques that gave me problems so I could practice them more.
Originally posted by Ender
how manys forms/katas are there now?...weren't there only 5 when SGM Parker died?...well..short1/long1...short 2/long I hear of form 10....who made these forms up?
Ed Paker has been quoted as mentioning long form 9 but I have never heard of long form 10. Is that real?
So let me ask how many people know or actually know of short 4,5, & 6, form 9, & 10? Very interesting:asian:
Same techniques as Long #4 but alternating Right side of 1st Techniques, left side of 2nd, right 3rd, etc.

But that was it. It is easy to extrapolate the same pattern to a similar version of Short 5 or 6. The 7 (with clubs) could be done that way, except we have Club Sets, so I am not sure if anyone is doing this.

Never heard of 9 or 10, but I am not living in the KenpoMecca of CA.

I believe that Michael Pick has developed a form 9 and 10 and that they were in embryonic stage while Mr. Parker was still alive. Can someone verify this?
The Short forms above 3 are considered optional at our school. I know Short 5, and to be honest I don't see any compelling reason why it should be placed as a required curriculum. There are a couple of variations in the way the techs are executed, but that is probably because we learned the forms from different lineages.

I will be learning Short 4, mostly because I think it makes an excellent tournament form. In going over the form tech executions there were some differences, but pretty minor stuff. I don't think that missing these forms is any great loss.

We use Short and Long 1-4 and Long 5-8. I have never heard of a 9 or 10, but would find them interesting to at least hear about. Anyone have any rundown on these, such as the themes, etc?

Originally posted by Michael Billings
Never heard of 9 or 10, but I am not living in the KenpoMecca of CA.

Originally posted by Jason Farnsworth
Same here Sir :(

Yes, but you guys both have hotlines to the "International Kenpo Information Center" so you are not in the dark.......

:- :rofl:

Originally posted by ArnoldLee
I believe that Michael Pick has developed a form 9 and 10 and that they were in embryonic stage while Mr. Parker was still alive. Can someone verify this?

This is how rumors get started! :rofl:

It would not surprise me that several "upper ranked students" have versions of / or will have - versions of the 9 or 10 in the future.

I know that at one time Skip Hancock was working on a "9" as well.

At this point in history I believe there will be several versions of these numbered sets as well as many, many other kenpo sets and forms developed from different organizations. Paul Mills has several already and they are interesting to say the least!

Unfortunately I don't think that any "one" of these forms that come to be ..... will be considered as the "Ed Parker American Kenpo's Official Version" since Ed Parker is not here to touch it himself.

That being said, doesn't mean that any or all of these forms won't be useful and effective ........ let's look forward to "any" set or form that may enlighten us and our Art.

Originally posted by Goldendragon7
Yes, but you guys both have hotlines to the "International Kenpo Information Center" so you are not in the dark.......

:- :rofl:


Just pick up the Gold "Dragon Phone" or send up the "Golden
Dragon Symbol" :p
Originally posted by Goldendragon7
Yes, but you guys both have hotlines to the "International Kenpo Information Center" so you are not in the dark

That's all that needs to be said.;) :D :asian:
Orig posted by goldendragon7

It would not surprise me that several "upper ranked students" have versions of / or will have - versions of the 9 or 10 in the future.

I agree! They are heading that way quickly. Especially with the additional interest in the Kenpo Knife, which was not shared with the entire Kenpo community at the time of Mr. Parker's death. The natural evolvement of the Art continues. So long as it conforms to the Principles, Concept, Theories, builds upon these, and continues the growth of Kenpo, rather than "borrowing" or "bastardizing" other Art's material, I feel great about Mr. Mills, Pick, Hancock, White, Chapel, etc. continuing Ed Parker's work.

Left over Right gentlemen.
Originally posted by Goldendragon7
It would not surprise me that several "upper ranked students" have versions of / or will have - versions of the 9 or 10 in the future.

Yes, with all due respect to everyone here. I think eventually there will be more added to different curriculums sometime. When people start working forms more specific the thesis forms maybe an individual will have come up with the next greatest thing and perhaps it will be added to a curriculum. Maybe not now or 10 yrs. maybe even in the next generation of kenpo students but I'd bet it will happen.:asian:

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