For your own good...


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
And people thought that the do gooders would leave you alone when they took your salt, told you what toilet you can use, what light bulb you can use, what you can send with your kids for school lunch...

The LIFE Act would give the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention $25 million “for a coordinated national effort to reverse increasingly sedentary lifestyles and diets that are high in fat and sugar.”
That would be allocated to “train health professionals to recognize the signs of obesity early and to educate people concerning healthy lifestyles, such as proper nutrition and regular exercise; conduct public education campaigns about how to recognize and address overweight and obesity; and develop intervention strategies to be used in everyday life, such as in the workplace and in community settings.”
“The legislation is the minimum necessary to address our most important health care crisis,” Norton will say.
The bill had no co-sponsors in the 111th Congress and died in a health subcommittee. The renewed effort comes after a “60 Minutes” report this past weekend calling sugar a toxin and calls from some health officials to tax and regulate sugar like tobacco.
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For my good, not yours. I have to pay a portion of the medical bills incurred by you to treat the chronic illnesses brought about by your fat ***. :D

But you can still have your salt... it's cheap and plentiful and droves of it in just about every processed piece of junk food you microwave.
The Obama administration just released a photo of the new uniform to be worn by all Affordable Care Act health care providers. They feel the new uniform will make it easier to administer, or not administer, the healthcare and general welfare that the administration decides is necessary for its citizens/subjects...

This is a photo of the Health and Human services providers in action...

The man in the photo was reluctant to have his temperature taken, and needed to be assisted...
I hope they wear white, like the stormtroopers in Star Wars.

Me too.....

This is a photo of the Health and Human services providers in action...

The man in the photo was reluctant to have his temperature taken, and needed to be assisted...

Say ah.............
Wait a minute...everyone knows that imperial regulations do not allow navel piercings...I think those two storm troopers might not be authentic...
To return to the topic, I am just going to say that this is going to happen - and lots more like it - when health care is paid for by the taxpayer. I don't have the answers, but I can see the issue. In a typical employment situation, all health care insured pay the costs of those who are higher risk; but they at least have the option (it may be an option they don't choose, but at least they have it) of quitting or not purchasing the insurance at all, or purchasing insurance elsewhere. When the system is mandatory, that choice no longer exists.

When the taxpayer has to pay for the poor choices of others, they logically get a say in how that money is spent. That means that yes, the government can and will regulate your health. That includes getting regular checkups if you want them or not, it means having to lose weight or exercise BY LAW or be punished for failing to do so, it means no smoking. For those who smirk and say "GOOD!" to that, consider that it also means no extreme sports, no dangerous sexual practices (including unprotected sex, especially male-male unprotected sex), and no 'alternative lifestyles' that have a higher risk of injury or health issues. It means a lot of the choices we consider to be our own personal business won't be our business or our choice anymore.

When I go to see the doctor now and he says my Vitamin D is low and he'd like me to try taking a supplement for awhile to see if that brings it back up again, I'm free to accept or reject his advice; it's my life after all. In the New World Order of government health care, when I am 'advised' to do it, if I don't take that advice, I'll pay a fine or perhaps even face loss of medical care as punishment. In other words, we'll all do as we're told by the government medical care providers.

And all the liberals will be SO happy. Finally the government will run everyone's lives for them, for our OWN GOOD. Because we individuals just cannot be trusted to make wise choices ourselves. Everybody knows that.
When I go to see the doctor now and he says my Vitamin D is low and he'd like me to try taking a supplement for awhile to see if that brings it back up again, I'm free to accept or reject his advice; it's my life after all. In the New World Order of government health care, when I am 'advised' to do it, if I don't take that advice, I'll pay a fine or perhaps even face loss of medical care as punishment. In other words, we'll all do as we're told by the government medical care providers.

That sounds so stupid, and yet so like our current congress. But it goes deeper than them. They aren't just power hungry. The insurance companies were probably as happy as they could be for mandatory "private" health care.

And all the liberals will be SO happy. Finally the government will run everyone's lives for them, for our OWN GOOD. Because we individuals just cannot be trusted to make wise choices ourselves. Everybody knows that.

The Congress has inflated the power of the Commerce clause beyond belief. There is no way the founding fathers could have intended how that is being used.
That sounds so stupid, and yet so like our current congress. But it goes deeper than them. They aren't just power hungry. The insurance companies were probably as happy as they could be for mandatory "private" health care.

The Congress has inflated the power of the Commerce clause beyond belief. There is no way the founding fathers could have intended how that is being used.

I had a short discussion after dojo last night with a couple of friends. Their argument is that universal health care is needed and the right thing to do. I don't disagree that everyone should have access to affordable health care, but I do not want my rights violated to make it happen. I want it done legally if it is to be done at all. Their argument was that there is no time to waste, and the loss of some minor right that no one cares about anyway is not worth fighting over, so give up and get over it already. I pains me to see such logic used, it really does. They see a problem, they see a solution. The fact that it vastly increases the power of the federal government over the lives of citizens? Yawn. So what? It's that kind of short-sighted thinking that will lead us to not just give up our freedom, but to demand it be taken from us.
had a similar conversation last night at work as well Bill. Our collective barganing contract is up in july so we were voting on the new contract the city offered us. We turned it down because the city changed retired officer healt benefits to none until age 50. Even tho most of our officers retire well before 50. We have a 20 year retirement and if you started at 21 or 22 you can retire and have a 9 year gap without health coverage. The city told us it wont matter anyway in the next 10 years there will no longer be private health care and that part of the contrat wont matter so we should just vote yes for the contract. The city atty said we will have a single payer system with in the next 15 years. I was shocked at the number of officers that had no clue about what a single payer system is or even what obama care was or what the constitutional debate was even about. People really just have no clue they are like sheep. These were police officers that most have college degrees and have had classes on the constitution and they were clueless
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, gambling that in the next 10-15 years they are off the hook....slick, I have to say!
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, gambling that in the next 10-15 years they are off the hook....slick, I have to say!

Yeah thats what we said too. Sadly the fire department approved the contract so we may just be forced into no matter what we say.
To return to the topic, I am just going to say that this is going to happen - and lots more like it - when health care is paid for by the taxpayer. I don't have the answers, but I can see the issue. In a typical employment situation, all health care insured pay the costs of those who are higher risk; but they at least have the option (it may be an option they don't choose, but at least they have it) of quitting or not purchasing the insurance at all, or purchasing insurance elsewhere. When the system is mandatory, that choice no longer exists.

When the taxpayer has to pay for the poor choices of others, they logically get a say in how that money is spent. That means that yes, the government can and will regulate your health. That includes getting regular checkups if you want them or not, it means having to lose weight or exercise BY LAW or be punished for failing to do so, it means no smoking. For those who smirk and say "GOOD!" to that, consider that it also means no extreme sports, no dangerous sexual practices (including unprotected sex, especially male-male unprotected sex), and no 'alternative lifestyles' that have a higher risk of injury or health issues. It means a lot of the choices we consider to be our own personal business won't be our business or our choice anymore.

When I go to see the doctor now and he says my Vitamin D is low and he'd like me to try taking a supplement for awhile to see if that brings it back up again, I'm free to accept or reject his advice; it's my life after all. In the New World Order of government health care, when I am 'advised' to do it, if I don't take that advice, I'll pay a fine or perhaps even face loss of medical care as punishment. In other words, we'll all do as we're told by the government medical care providers.

And all the liberals will be SO happy. Finally the government will run everyone's lives for them, for our OWN GOOD. Because we individuals just cannot be trusted to make wise choices ourselves. Everybody knows that.

So, essentially, you are saying this...

View attachment $Government Owns Your Body.jpg
I had a short discussion after dojo last night with a couple of friends. Their argument is that universal health care is needed and the right thing to do. I don't disagree that everyone should have access to affordable health care, but I do not want my rights violated to make it happen. I want it done legally if it is to be done at all. Their argument was that there is no time to waste, and the loss of some minor right that no one cares about anyway is not worth fighting over, so give up and get over it already. I pains me to see such logic used, it really does. They see a problem, they see a solution. The fact that it vastly increases the power of the federal government over the lives of citizens? Yawn. So what? It's that kind of short-sighted thinking that will lead us to not just give up our freedom, but to demand it be taken from us.

My argument for this has been the following...

One of the reasons health care costs so much is because the government has created so many obstacles for people in the form of monopolies and regulation, that people can't afford certain procedures anymore. When the insurance corporations and organizations like the AMA are allowed to use the government in order to tilt the playing field in their favor, everyone else climbs up hill. Now, imagine what it will be like when we allow those same organizations FORCE us to buy their products? They can charge us anything they want...and they will. You'll pay in taxes.

Now, bring this article up to them.

Two years ago, when introducing then promptly enacting Obamacare, the president stated that healthcare law reform would not cost a penny over $1 trillion ($900 billion to be precise), and that it would not add ‘one dime’ to the debt. It appears that this estimate may have been slightly optimistic… by a factor of 1700%. Because coincident with the recent Supreme Court debacle, in which a constitutional law president may be about to find that his magnum opus law is, in fact, unconstitutional, someone actually read the whole thing cover to cover, instead of merely relying on the CBO’s, pardon Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs’, funding estimates. That someone is Republican Jeff Sessions who after actually running the numbers has uncovered that the true long-term funding gap is a mind-boggling $17 trillion, just a tad more than the original sub $1 trillion forecast. This latest revelation means that total underfunded US welfare liabilities: Medicare, Medicaid and social security now amount to $99 trillion! Add to this total US debt which in 2 months will be $16 trillion, and one can see why Japan, which is about to breach 1 quadrillion in total debt (yen, but who's counting), may want to start looking in the rearview mirror for up and comer competitors. And while Obama may have been taking creative license with a number that is greater than total US GDP, he was most certainly correct when saying that Obamacare would not add a penny to US debt. Because the second the US government comes to market to fund a true total debt/GDP ratio of 750%, it is game over, and the Fed will have its hands full selling Treasury puts every waking nanosecond to have any time left for the daily 3pm stock market ramp.

To top it off, appeal to the children. "Do you really want to do this to the children? We're saddling the unborn with shackles of debt so we can have the State take care all of our needs!"
My argument for this has been the following...

One of the reasons health care costs so much is because the government has created so many obstacles for people in the form of monopolies and regulation, that people can't afford certain procedures anymore. When the insurance corporations and organizations like the AMA are allowed to use the government in order to tilt the playing field in their favor, everyone else climbs up hill. Now, imagine what it will be like when we allow those same organizations FORCE us to buy their products? They can charge us anything they want...and they will. You'll pay in taxes.

Now, bring this article up to them.

To top it off, appeal to the children. "Do you really want to do this to the children? We're saddling the unborn with shackles of debt so we can have the State take care all of our needs!"

Haven't read the entire bill. I scimmed a few pages of it when it was published and realized it needed to be put off to another day. But who will really want to appeal to the children, or the parents who should be protecting them. The debt in their lifetime is their problem. We have proven that with our national debt.

It seems (collective) we want what we want now. Any other problems will have to be solved when they become untenable for those experiencing them. So now give me my "free" health care that "I don't have to pay for" and let my kids and grandkids figure out how to solve the problems of no money and staggering debt when it hits them in the backsides.
Aw, gee, fellas, they are from the government and they are here to help. And as comedian Chris Rock said, "I don't pay taxes, they take taxes.

At some point it will become about the numbers. There will be more getting screwed than the financiers can control. And we all know what happens when the numbers get out of whack. Many will suffer, many will perish. But many will rise up.

I just hope there are enough tall trees.

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