Mostly Harmless
Well, by this standard, there are probably thousands of terrific fantasy or science fiction books that are worth a read, tangentially related to martial art-like stuff.The Belgariad series by David and Leigh Eddings has some martial arts in it, although not specifically described as a particular system. It is a high fantasy series, not bad for the genre. The martial arts is definitely not a main focus, but is fit in where appropriate and decently done in a minimalistic way.
If you haven't read them, the Battle Circle trilogy by Piers Anthony is a good one, written before he started churning out the soulless Xanth novels.
I wish the TV show were a little better. The books are pretty cool.Jim butcher is quite the avid martial artist.
Jim Butcher - Martial Arts & Action Entertainment
The #1 New York Times bestselling author, Jim Butcher, is also a martial arts enthusiast with fifteen years of experience in various styles including Ryukyu Kempo, Tae Kwon Do, Gojo Shorei Ryu, and a little Kung Fu. Jim is the author of the Dresden Files, the Codex Alera novels, and the