Feelin' Kinda Down...



Hey, all

I've been feeling kinda down for the past few hours, from a combination of general malaise, too much procrastinating, some stuff from TKD (my techniques weren't up to my usual demanding standards), and the ol' dysthymia (chronic low-grade depression) acting up again.


Can anybody post anything uplifting or cheerful to perk me up? Pllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeease?

I just want a pick-me-up, is all.

Thanks folks, ya'll rock


Well for started you are in Canada and the USA. You got the Good Beer :D .

My Psychologist told me one time to act happy when you are in this state. Go find something you can do that is fun for yourself. Do not just sit and think about the problem(s). :(

Another Point, you could always be me :p, and have my problems.

Drop me a line if you want to get cheered up that way. :eek: :D

Avoid Chocolate

Get Well
Hey we got good beer...oh, wait it's imprted form Can...uh. Usually if I feel down I try to play my guitar. Soone ror later that gets me goin. A bike ride helps too.

But, I'm really a fortunate guy. My son made Eagle Scout, my daughter is a published poet, and my wonderful wife is...wonderful.

I have found blessings in the rotten mutt my daughter brought home from the shelter. What a furhead.

If I really let myself get down I wander to some of the WWW sites, mostly the Martial Arts stuff. Cause it gets me wanting to train harder, and that gets me into the Dojang to help the Chief Instructor teach white belts. I love to do that.
some of it is probably weather related. Late feb., cold, snowy. Its OK, spring is coming!
O, wait. You are in Canada; never mind....
Well, there is the good beer thing!
Thanks all, that helped. :)

But Tarabos, man... I don't know... that stuff's disturbing. :p

Like... reeeeeeeeeally disturbing.

Originally posted by Cliarlaoch
Hey, all

I've been feeling kinda down for the past few hours, from a combination of general malaise, too much procrastinating, some stuff from TKD (my techniques weren't up to my usual demanding standards), and the ol' dysthymia (chronic low-grade depression) acting up again.


Can anybody post anything uplifting or cheerful to perk me up? Pllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeease?

I just want a pick-me-up, is all.

Thanks folks, ya'll rock


and you are a 20 year old man?

How about SUCK IT UP and be a MAN, you perfume prince!! :rolleyes:

Originally posted by tarabos
hey man...that's my sense of humor...it's not like i made it....:D :idunno: :D

I also said it was funny, so this is the kettle calling the pot! ;) :D
Originally posted by Johnathan Napalm
and you are a 20 year old man?

How about SUCK IT UP and be a MAN, you perfume prince!! :rolleyes:


Sir, I neither asked for nor required derogatory comments. And yes, I am 20 years old, and yes, I am a man, but that does not necessarily mean that I cannot feel depressed or down. Last time I checked, being a man = being human, and human beings hit rough spots now and again.

Thank you for your concern,

Originally posted by Cliarlaoch
Sir, I neither asked for nor required derogatory comments. And yes, I am 20 years old, and yes, I am a man, but that does not necessarily mean that I cannot feel depressed or down. Last time I checked, being a man = being human, and human beings hit rough spots now and again.

Thank you for your concern,


I think he forgot to take his medicine, Just my opinion.
Originally posted by Cliarlaoch
Sir, I neither asked for nor required derogatory comments. And yes, I am 20 years old, and yes, I am a man, but that does not necessarily mean that I cannot feel depressed or down. Last time I checked, being a man = being human, and human beings hit rough spots now and again.

Thank you for your concern,


Yet this funny guy thinks he as the right ro go around and insult everyone and then step back and go who me?

This person if (s)he is human at all, should just go away. I have them on ignore and I suggest it to everyone to just ignore them and maybe (s)he will by the clue
Just some clarification. Are you saying that Cliarlaoch insulted someone? I'm not trying to start something here but from what I read on this thread there's one post that could be seen as an insult to him and he responded, but I don't see where he insulted anyone.

Everyone has down times and it's generally not the best time to make fun of people. If you don't have anything nice to say . . . .

Originally posted by Cliarlaoch
Sir, I neither asked for nor required derogatory comments. And yes, I am 20 years old, and yes, I am a man, but that does not necessarily mean that I cannot feel depressed or down. Last time I checked, being a man = being human, and human beings hit rough spots now and again.

Thank you for your concern,


Not derrogatory. Rather it is what they called "Wall to Wall" counselling, in the old army. Where, the old Sarge would slap you around a bit so you can just GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF AND SNAP OUT OF YOUR PETTY LITTLE PROBLEMS. Kids today! SOFT!!

The same standard applies to women too. I don't imply women are excused to be depressed.
To Quicksand: No, I was not insulting someone. There was a consensus that I had possibly been insulted.

To Johnathan Napalm: I'm just going to drop it. I got better (although your comment reminded me of why I never wanted to join the army). I would also point out that while "kids today" may be "soft" (and that is in itself up for debate), I think today we have a better understanding of the fact that while "wall-to-wall" counseling may have its advantages, it is not exactly the most effective way to help a person get over their "petty little problems."

2 hopefully more constructive questions for you: 1) do you think that that form of counseling is actually effective in helping a person overcome their problems? I would argue that it could potentially cause more problems than it solved for the psyche of the individual in question.

2) I question whether the problems of any individual, myself or others, is "petty" to the person dealing with those problems. Yes, we do have to face challenges in our lives, and yes, we do have to overcome them if we want to be able to survive. But that does not mean that we have to be made to feel that our concerns are petty or meaningless, or that the person who has problems is weak for not being sure or perhaps even capable of confronting those issues.

I will leave it at that. I will not respond to any further comments from this thread, and would ask the moderators that it be closed to any further comments, or removed entirely from MT, if any further problems come up on it.
Originally posted by Mickey
Yet this funny guy thinks he as the right ro go around and insult everyone and then step back and go who me?

This person if (s)he is human at all, should just go away. I have them on ignore and I suggest it to everyone to just ignore them and maybe (s)he will by the clue

Actually, (and here I apologize for posting again on this when I said I wouldn't, but I reviewed this and was somewhat concerned), now that I think of it...

Mickey, whom are you saying is insulting people? Me?

I honestly don't recall insulting people. If I have, then I apologize. I did not mean it as such. While I crack jokes about certain issues, I was under the impression (when I did so) it was in good fun. If anybody has had a problem with anything I have said, then, again, I apologize wholeheartedly, and I will cease posting on this forum altogether. I believe there's a difference between friendly banter and insulting, and if I have, at any point during my time on this forum, crossed that line in any way, shape, or form, I will immediately withdraw from it, or at the very least apologize for it and watch my words in the future. If I am in the wrong, then I will take measures to correct my behaviour.
Originally posted by Cliarlaoch
To Johnathan Napalm: I'm just going to drop it. I got better (although your comment reminded me of why I never wanted to join the army). I would also point out that while "kids today" may be "soft" (and that is in itself up for debate), I think today we have a better understanding of the fact that while "wall-to-wall" counseling may have its advantages, it is not exactly the most effective way to help a person get over their "petty little problems."

2 hopefully more constructive questions for you: 1) do you think that that form of counseling is actually effective in helping a person overcome their problems? I would argue that it could potentially cause more problems than it solved for the psyche of the individual in question.

2) I question whether the problems of any individual, myself or others, is "petty" to the person dealing with those problems. Yes, we do have to face challenges in our lives, and yes, we do have to overcome them if we want to be able to survive. But that does not mean that we have to be made to feel that our concerns are petty or meaningless, or that the person who has problems is weak for not being sure or perhaps even capable of confronting those issues.

I will leave it at that. I will not respond to any further comments from this thread, and would ask the moderators that it be closed to any further comments, or removed entirely from MT, if any further problems come up on it.

1. If you have clinical depression, ie a medical condition, then hte answer is no. You would need medical help.

2. You need to put things into perspective. Yes, you can make a mountain out of a mole hill. There are issues that are resolvable and non-critical. Those are indeed petty. At certain age, certain problems are paramount to you, but when you grow older and you look back, you will realize those problems that used to crush you breathless, are actually quite irrelevant in the greater scheme of things.