Feel the need for speed - fighter jets

Man when that plane went between those ships and the water was parting that was amazing.
What I wouldn't give for a ride in one.....
Yep, the need for speed. Liked how in that context it says "Speed Is Life" which is a true statement when trying to out run a missile or a bogey hot on your ****.
Nice vid :D. I shall remember to my dying day the time when two Sepecat Jags overflew me at what felt like hedge-hoping height when I was out walking one day. The formation was unbelievably tight and I swear it looked as if I could've reached up and touched them they were that low.
Flying an airplane is an awesome experience! So I can only fantasize about how it feels to fly one of those birds at those speeds! That was an awesome video! The excitement gave me chill bumps as I watched it! :p
The shot where the plane created a wake in the water was really cool - it made it obvious the plane was really that low, and didn't just look that way because of the camera angle.
that was freaking amazing. You could actually see when they punched through the sound barrier. The part where they would come in low at an angle and look like they were going to smash the back end into the ground and then shoot off real quick was incredible that take some serious skill
