Feb. 13th, 2005 Tsunami Aid Day - Show the Love

Just wanted to say that I am organizing country-wide local MA events for those of us who study or teach styles (Kali, Silat, etc.) from the Pan-Indian Ocean region. I suspect that our help will continue to be needed in that area of the world long after the tsunami crisis has shifted from our front pages and the fore of our collective consciousness.

Rather than spending $70 on say, an ephemeral Valentine's dinner, chocolates or flowers, we can donate it to a local workshop on Sunday, 2/13 instead. We’ll show our romantic sides in a more meaningful way - a hand made card, a poem, a walk on the beach - while assisting our local MA studios by showing-the-love with cash. The goal: help sustain the survivors and those hoping to remain survivors.

If you are interested in helping, please email me at [email protected]. It would be great if people can commit to donating some teaching time on this date, and if students could encourage their schools to do so. Obviously many details need to be ironed out, but I want to get a sense of who is interested in the idea. Let’s do all we can to help the people to whom we owe such a debt of gratitude for their development of these arts.


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