Emilee <3

Yellow Belt
Feb 20, 2016
Reaction score
What's your favorite attack / specialty or school specialty. Ex: my school's specialty is the axe kick // my personal favorites are side kicks, roundhouse kicks, and anything that involves jumping (because I'm barely over five feet tall haha). What about you? I'm just curious. Thanks for reading and/or replying to my thread! :)
mine is a variation of a stepping punch i didn't ever see anywere else.
Dope Slap. I love a good Dope Slap.
The first palm in which we move off the line of attack and meet the opponents force with our wrist. This is the essence of Baguazhang the movement off of force and changing, adapting to my opponent.
What's your favorite attack / specialty or school specialty. Ex: my school's specialty is the axe kick // my personal favorites are side kicks, roundhouse kicks, and anything that involves jumping (because I'm barely over five feet tall haha). What about you? I'm just curious. Thanks for reading and/or replying to my thread! :)
Step on opponent's lead foot, attack.

I do like this one a lot, actually-though with me, it's more of a non-telegraphed (or accompanied by a false eye feint) STOMP to the instep (which is actually more, "knee-shin scrape-stomp) followed up by pretty much crashing into them with a shoulder to the chest or an elbow to the throat....the elbow to the throat feeds right into harai-goshi quite nicely as well:

while the shoulder leads to quite a few throws, though I'm fond of grabbing their belt for a modified morote seoinage....
Low kick. A few variations.
Not being a technique, puzzling the opponent is what I like the most.
I don't really have a favorite attack. Though there is one thing, where itf it works it is awsome. Offer to buy them lunch. One hit KO, and then you get to eat. I once paid a guy forty bucks to quit. That was kinda neat too. Confused the heck out of him, but it ended the fight. As for a serious technique, The right hand move palm down, under the attacking arm. Simultaniously the lefth and guides the attacking fore arm to the shoulder. I spin as I move foward pushing my opponant into the space I vacate, while applying downward pressure on the arm. Now I am behind my opponant with full control of his body. Good for running them into other opponants. You start a second fight, and while nobody is paying attention, run the heck away.
I was taught the tame way. :(
well maybe i didnt make myself clear, this was the start a joke my little sister told me.
the punch line is "U nique up on it" so my reply to the OP was a sneak attack. ;)
well maybe i didnt make myself clear, this was the start a joke my little sister told me.
the punch line is "U nique up on it" so my reply to the OP was a sneak attack. ;)
But you catch a tame rabbit the tame way. It is an extension, on your joke. Tell your sister there is more to it. :)