Fabulous Babylon 5 Scene


Have the courage to speak softly
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Sep 15, 2006
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Staffordshire, England
I have ever been an enormous Babylon 5 fan, right from the very first moments that I saw broadcast. For the time it was made, it was breath-taking television and did what sci-fi does best, examine the human condition, in all it's glory and it's failings.

Whilst link-surfing, I came across a little trove of clips and this one in particular that I found still moves me greatly. I think even if you don't know the story or have an inkling of the background, this remains powerful television, with echoes of Churchill or Henry V filtering through:

Time for a B5 marathon which will end tomorrow
Very serious stuff. :) I think I could get to like it...........
Another little morsel to try and tempt some more to delve into the wonderful story that is Babylon 5:


There are troubles later in the series as, as ever seems to be the way with Sci-fi, the bean counters were going to cancel it so the writers crammed too much into too few episodes. But it is still marvellous.
Two of my favorites, both coming from G'Kar.

Great show, my favorite sci-fi show, currently on Season 3 (again), watching about one episode a week.
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like sheldon i never liked B5.

i liked most of the space based sci-fi shows but never got on with B5. one of my friends was really into it and always said i should watch it but after seeing the first few episodes it just bored me. apparently later on the space battles were really good but i never got round to watching it again :)
Some fabulous words orated by G'kar over the series, Blindside, aye.

"We are the voice of the Universe" and "We can't be free until we learn to laugh at ourselves".
One of my favourites tho' was 'borrowed' by Delenn:

I am Grey. I stand between the candle and the star. We are Grey. We stand between the darkness and the light.
And yet another scene that has most un-English tears on my cheeks:

Here's a difficult question ... of all the multi-faceted characters in Babylon 5, who do you identify with the most? Who is the most like you?

Of all those that I admire and those that I wish I was like, I think, perhaps, that Marcus Cole comes closest to being like what I can be when I am at my best. And what he did for Ivanova I would do for my missus in a heartbeat, altho' the pain I know it would cause her might give me pause.
Babylon 5 came out when I was working four jobs for four separate employers that covered all three shifts at times, so I didn't take the opporunity to watch much TV. However, when I think of Babylon 5 what comes to mind is the Commodore Amiga and Newtek Video Toaster system. I did try to catch an episode or two to check out the CGI scenes.

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