EPAK - Current Rank & Time in the System


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Rick Wade said:
I have to say both of you show a lot more dedication than most. May your journey from here on out be positive.

Thanks for the Kind Words! :asian:
I started training in 97 received my 1st. black rank in 99. I was 33 when I started, so figured I had some catching up to do with the younger guys. When I started as a white belt, I put in about 25 actual hours of training each week until I made 2nd black in 2000. I was 1 stinking month away from my 3rd. black test when it became necessary to take time off. Took almost three years off to build a home for my family, and have been training again since this past November. Should test for third this summer. But who knows.

Hey Sandwell we need to workout ------>

Mr. Crusher aka honeybear :)
Began in April 1991.
Took a few short vacations from Kenpo here and there.
1st Degree Black
Started on my 6th birthday training in Waianae (sp?) and in Waipahu (not all EPAK); now 38 pushing 39. In Chinese Kenpo system with TKD, KF, Jujutsu and Judo mixed in, 22 years & 5th Dan. In a "purer" strain of AK (generation removed from EP in 60's), +/- 15 years & 4th degree black.

Gets in the blood, and is hard to quit. Some layoffs, most recent to get through Chiro college; some to train in other systems (quit AK altogether after SGM's passing, and buried myself in weights and BJJ). But I think once in kenpo, kenpo's in you.
Kembudo-Kai Kempoka said:
Kenpo gets in the blood, and is hard to quit. I think once in kenpo, kenpo's in you.

You'll leave Kenpo long before.................. Kenpo leaves you!
................................. %think%
26 yrs. I still don't know why the belt even matters, let alone why I where it.... Oh, yea, my students. duh
I'm currently a 3rd Degree Brown Belt at Larry Tatum's Kenpo Karate Studio in Pasadena, California. I've trained on and off in a number of schools over the course of the last ten years.

Yellow Belt = Recieved at Larry Tatum's Kenpo Karate Studio in December of 1994

Orange Belt = Recieved at Ed Parker's Karate Studio in June of 1996

Purple Belt = Recieved at Ed Parker's Karate Studio in December of 1996

Blue Belt = Recieved at Ed Parker's Karate Studio in September of 1997

Green Belt = Recieved at Ed Parker's Karate Studio in June of 1998

3rd Degree Brown Belt = Recieved at Bryan Hawkins Kenpo Karate Studio in April of 2002

Kinda crazy how things work out. I started in Kenpo because I've always been interested in learning a martial art, but it was just a minor interest. That interest grew over the years, and now I want more than anything to teach for a livng. A few weeks ago that dream started to become a reality when I accepted a teaching position at Larry Tatum's Studio.

Things have been really, really kool in my Kenpo world lately. Looking back at when I recieved each belt makes me wonder if it's common for other people to have time gaps between ranks that are similar.

many years and half arsed in most. 1st brown and working hard in South Carolina for 1st BB (maybe by end of year).
Bill Lear said:
I'm currently a 3rd Degree Brown Belt at Larry Tatum's Kenpo Karate Studio in Pasadena, California. I've trained on and off in a number of schools over the course of the last ten years.

Yellow Belt = Recieved at Larry Tatum's Kenpo Karate Studio in December of 1994

Orange Belt = Recieved at Ed Parker's Karate Studio in June of 1996

Purple Belt = Recieved at Ed Parker's Karate Studio in December of 1996

Blue Belt = Recieved at Ed Parker's Karate Studio in September of 1997

Green Belt = Recieved at Ed Parker's Karate Studio in June of 1998

3rd Degree Brown Belt = Recieved at Bryan Hawkins Kenpo Karate Studio in April of 2002

Kinda crazy how things work out. I started in Kenpo because I've always been interested in learning a martial art, but it was just a minor interest. That interest grew over the years, and now I want more than anything to teach for a livng. A few weeks ago that dream started to become a reality when I accepted a teaching position at Larry Tatum's Studio.

Things have been really, really kool in my Kenpo world lately. Looking back at when I recieved each belt makes me wonder if it's common for other people to have time gaps between ranks that are similar.

I see you trained under Mr. Tatum originaly. We all come full circle don't we?
Touch'O'Death said:
I see you trained under Mr. Tatum originaly. We all come full circle don't we?

Interesting choice of words... Larry said the same thing when I started training under him again.

Hi folks,
I've been in the arts for 35+ years and as far as the Chuan Fa/Kenpo/Kempo arts:
Black belt in Chinese-Hawaiian Kenpo/kempo since 1983 [5th Degree Black Belt]
Black Belt in Ed Parker's American Kenpo since 1983 [4th Degree Black Belt]

and many other arts as well...

I hope I was of some service,
Just over five short years 1st Degree Black last June, one day 2nd still feel oh so new. Thats in American Kenpo.
Doc said:
48 years this year, and still trying to get a handle on this stuff. Rank; white belt with a "black" mind.
WOW Doc!!! :ultracool Now I know why you know so much, and I see what you meant now when you said it's okay to just call you old. But 50's not old...it's a good thing you started when you were two! :wink2:
Have been studying EPAK for 8 months and have attained orange. Before that and still in it, Kajukenbo for 6 years and BB rank in March.
3rd Brown in EPAK. Been at it for 3 years and it's the best thing that has ever happened to me, after my family of course. Salute.....