Entertaining Glock torture test

Well ...

If Glock ever need some advertising material it seems this chap could provide it - colour me seriously impressed.
I own one of the early glocks, works all of the time. The only problem that I had with the early Glock was the mag. swelling problem. I now have the the newer mag's.
I've always loved the Glock since I had my hands on one the first time. That link got me seriously impressed! :uhyeah:

- Ceicei
They are simple but very functional, much like an AK47 is.
That's the beauty of a Glock for a working cop, in my opinion. There's no safety, there's no decocking lever, no extra parts. Their INCREDIBLY tolerant of simple day-to-day abuse since many cops don't clean their guns as often as they should, and carrying them daily just plain invites all sorts of dirt and grime and general crap to get into them -- not to mention exposure to weather.

Pull it out, point it at the target, and it'll almost always shoot for you. Give it a minimum of care & attention, and that almost will become virtually... The few malfunctions I've experienced have almost always been operator-induced. Like the time I didn't quite get the magazine seated on an administrative reload during a course of fire... The next command to fire, I drew, got one shot, and watched my magazine go down range! Quick replace-rack-assess... OOPS.. no bang, 'cause the target turned...
Their INCREDIBLY tolerant of simple day-to-day abuse since many cops don't clean their guns as often as they should, and carrying them daily just plain invites all sorts of dirt and grime and general crap to get into them -- not to mention exposure to weather.

Then there's the situation, where some folks are going to sweat a good deal, coating their pistols with saline in the process. I've seen one of the older Sig P226 pistols with the "K-Kote" rust under these circumstances, while the Glock's Tennifer-treated surface showed no corrosion at all.