Jared Traveler
2nd Black Belt
Doxing someone is when you learn about them though public, open source information. This could be information on social media platforms, by googling them, and many other ways.
What got me thinking about this was some comments in another thread about bumper stickers. These could be military service bumper stickers, martial arts related bumper stickers, or things relating to where your kids go to school or whatever.
A part of my job at times is to dox a client to see what other can easily learn about them. I am usually able to figure out where they went to school, hobbies, level of education, obtain pictures of their house, workplace, family members and so on.
Have you ever googled yourself from someone elses computer? Do you know what info is out there about you?
Do you value your privacy or is it not a big deal that info is potentially out there about you?
What got me thinking about this was some comments in another thread about bumper stickers. These could be military service bumper stickers, martial arts related bumper stickers, or things relating to where your kids go to school or whatever.
A part of my job at times is to dox a client to see what other can easily learn about them. I am usually able to figure out where they went to school, hobbies, level of education, obtain pictures of their house, workplace, family members and so on.
Have you ever googled yourself from someone elses computer? Do you know what info is out there about you?
Do you value your privacy or is it not a big deal that info is potentially out there about you?