Don't Forget about Black Sash

Yeah I'm afraid it's going to suck also. But I'm hoping it won't.
i thought it would be russel wong running around the city kicking people's asses all over the place. now that i see the preview it looks like the MTV veejay wannabees are going to be doing it for him most of the time. looks like another miss for the WB to me...Birds of Prey anyone?
That's WB's motto .....Pretty white kids with problems. They just throw on some eye candy and hope for the best. Birds of prey was great.......A great reminder why I don't watch much T.V. anymore.
Originally posted by fist of fury
That's WB's motto .....Pretty white kids with problems. They just throw on some eye candy and hope for the best. Birds of prey was great.......A great reminder why I don't watch much T.V. anymore.

Speaking of Russel Wong, anyone know where to get his Vanishing Son tv series on tape somewhere? I liked it when it used to be on since it was one if not one of the handful of shows to have an asian as the lead. It think it lasted a season or two only.
ok...just got done watching the first show. i enjoyed it, not too bad. the previews reallly threw me off, got me thinking they would focus mostly on the kids. but it seems that the focus is 75% russel that's good.

good fight scenes...not including the teen actors...pretty decent production value.

i'll watch again...
Originally posted by tarabos
ok...just got done watching the first show. i enjoyed it, not too bad. the previews reallly threw me off, got me thinking they would focus mostly on the kids. but it seems that the focus is 75% russel that's good.

good fight scenes...not including the teen actors...pretty decent production value.

i'll watch again...

That's pretty much my opinion as well. I thought it was a decent show, which was more then I was expecting.
Originally posted by tarabos
i thought it would be russel wong running around the city kicking people's asses all over the place.

Just viewed the first episode, and yup Russell Wong did end up kicking a bunch of guys asses in the final scene in true manly man style. It was the stereotypical one MA guy against an army of bad guys... :D
I did not like the spilt screen scenes. It was like watching picture in picture.

All in all I liked the show and will tape it next week. It is on when I am trying to get my kids in bed so I was only watching it halfway. I did tape it so I can watch it again.

Jeremy Bays
Originally posted by cali_tkdbruin
Just viewed the first episode, and yup Russell Wong did end up kicking a bunch of guys asses in the final scene in true manly man style. It was the stereotypical one MA guy against an army of bad guys... :D

that's what it's all about! :D
Originally posted by Samurai
I did not like the spilt screen scenes. It was like watching picture in picture.

All in all I liked the show and will tape it next week. It is on when I am trying to get my kids in bed so I was only watching it halfway. I did tape it so I can watch it again.

Jeremy Bays


the split screen thing is a bit disorienting. i know they're just trying to be unique, but it gets on my nerves and i hope they do away with it if i'm going to be watching this show.
I'm still somewhat uncertain about the show yes the martial arts was decent. However WB is continuing with it's traditional PWSKWP-pretty white skinny kids with problems. Sprinkle some cheesy coporate rock bands album through out the show,advertise said album. Set up sexual tension between characters and an angry chracter and other teeny soap opera like qualities and oh yeah lets put some martial arts in it also. I hope it gets better but I still have my doubts. I'll still watch the show unless it gets really bad.
I missed it last night but my brother taped it for me so I'll probably get to see it tonight. Since many of you said it was decent I expect I'll like it. I'll report back.
Originally posted by fist of fury
I'm still somewhat uncertain about the show yes the martial arts was decent. However WB is continuing with it's traditional PWSKWP-pretty white skinny kids with problems. Sprinkle some cheesy coporate rock bands album through out the show,advertise said album. Set up sexual tension between characters and an angry chracter and other teeny soap opera like qualities and oh yeah lets put some martial arts in it also. I hope it gets better but I still have my doubts. I'll still watch the show unless it gets really bad.

Yup, it was pretty much what I expected from what I previously heard and the reviews I had read. It was that pre-packaged type of cheesey WB TV show with the predictable storyline. Well at least the scraps were fairly decent. I'll watch it again for the action... ;)
I got a chance to watch it and I enjoyed the show. But, I too hated the split screen. That was just a bit too irritating.

Hope in the future shows they have someone looking at the talk groups like this for some opinions on some of the good and bad parts of the show. I think if they do it will last a bit longer.

Just my opinion.

Green Dragon
Chicago :asian:
Ok, so I guess Russel Wong's character is both an ex-cop turned martial arts instructor, and Batman (minus the costume). Naturally, he never takes a single hit while fighting 5 or 6 bad guys.

Overall, it's an ok show, but the plot lines are going to have to get less predictable if they want to keep me watching for more than a few more episodes.

Why are so many TV writers scared of originality?
I watched it and thought it was interesting. I hope they continue to focus on the teacher's character and not the kids.
