Do you still go to your class?

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There won't be a 'cure' there will be vaccinations though.

And eventually (after a few seasons) almost everybody will have some exposure, and presumably the majority of folks who get through it the first or second time around will develop some resistence (with or without the vaccine) so it will become just another annoying respiratory virus. In the meantime were screwed. Especially us old fogies. I worry about my dad. He'll be 95 in a couple of weeks and is really vulnerable. And there's no way my grandad will survive this.
I worry about my dad. He'll be 95 in a couple of weeks and is really vulnerable.

My father is 93 and I worry because while he has no serious underlying conditions he saying he's had a good life and now would be very happy to be with my mother who died a few years ago. I don't think he's going to self isolate as they seem to want those over 70 to and to an extent I can see his point but it's upsetting all the same.
My father is 93 and I worry because while he has no serious underlying conditions he saying he's had a good life and now would be very happy to be with my mother who died a few years ago. I don't think he's going to self isolate as they seem to want those over 70 to and to an extent I can see his point but it's upsetting all the same.
Is he suggesting that he will go out and try to get sick to be with your mother, or is he suggesting that he is going to live his life, and not care if that puts him at greater risk? I understand that you, as his daughter, are concerned about it, I have the same concern about my grandma. But it's still up to him how much the risk is compared to his quality of life, and I know if I was 80-90 years old, with my wife gone, I would rather enjoy my time left and accept that it may end, then barricade myself in my house preparing for that ending.
or is he suggesting that he is going to live his life, and not care if that puts him at greater risk?

I think it's more this, I can't imagine him locking himself in his flat and not going out. He looks after himself and is very proud he can cook, clean, do his washing himself, we're just down the road and take him shopping, out etc. He lives in sheltered housing, all old people with a live in warden to check on them every morning and if they need her. To be stuck in his flat for months by himself ( he doesn't really like what he calls the 'old' people there lol) would be a form of torture worse I think than actually dying for him. I don't know if we would be able to take him out, even just for a drive around or to our house. Now the government is saying this virus could go on until next spring. :(
I think it's more this, I can't imagine him locking himself in his flat and not going out. He looks after himself and is very proud he can cook, clean, do his washing himself, we're just down the road and take him shopping, out etc. He lives in sheltered housing, all old people with a live in warden to check on them every morning and if they need her. To be stuck in his flat for months by himself ( he doesn't really like what he calls the 'old' people there lol) would be a form of torture worse I think than actually dying for him. I don't know if we would be able to take him out, even just for a drive around or to our house. Now the government is saying this virus could go on until next spring. :(
Many of the "old people" I know would be offended at the idea that they should stop their daily routine because of some danger to their own health. And be even more offended at being forced to change their routine at the government's whim. From what you've said, I would guess your father is one of those people.
Many of the "old people" I know would be offended at the idea that they should stop their daily routine because of some danger to their own health. And be even more offended at being forced to change their routine at the government's whim. From what you've said, I would guess your father is one of those people.

We've already been through a similar situation when I was a child, ( I've mentioned it before) where we had a typhoid epidemic before that of course in the 30s there had been diphtheria epidemics so I suppose it's a bit deja vu for many old people as well.

On the other part of my life Girl Guiding we are continuing to have our meetings but are being briefed by HQ regularly. We have older leaders who are vulnerable as well as girls so are being told to use common sense. The guides and Rangers being older girls are making plans for helping in the community for when they are needed, we are assuming the schools will shut down soon and then our meetings will stop so we are planning virtual meetings to continue earning badges etc, we are looking to get the young girls writing letters ( the old fashioned thing!) to old people, we have a dedicated thread on the GG FB page just for things we can do when it gets worse.

I'd suggest that we have a thread on here where we can come up with positive ways to continue training and supporting each other if and when we are locked down/in self isolation. I'd do it but there's people here who would shoot down anything I did :(
I'd suggest that we have a thread on here where we can come up with positive ways to continue training and supporting each other if and when we are locked down/in self isolation. I'd do it but there's people here who would shoot down anything I did :(

Great idea! That would be really cool :) I'll yoko geri any haters ;)

I know the HDKI are doing a free online seminar this Saturday for those on lockdown, a 1m2 seminar where you just need 1 square meter haha. I wanted to do it but it's held in Dublin at 3pm UTC time, which is like 4am here unfortunately..
Great idea! That would be really cool :) I'll yoko geri any haters ;)

I know the HDKI are doing a free online seminar this Saturday for those on lockdown, a 1m2 seminar where you just need 1 square meter haha. I wanted to do it but it's held in Dublin at 3pm UTC time, which is like 4am here unfortunately..
Is that open to everyone?
Is that open to everyone?
Yeah I believe it is! It's a karate org (and a great one at that) but still I say get amongst it!

The link for more info is: Free 1m² Online Karate Seminar

I think you just download the Zoom Cloud Meeting app and go from there. If you're awake at that time go for it, I hope they put the recording up so I can participate later [emoji14]
And eventually (after a few seasons) almost everybody will have some exposure, and presumably the majority of folks who get through it the first or second time around will develop some resistence (with or without the vaccine) so it will become just another annoying respiratory virus. In the meantime were screwed. Especially us old fogies. I worry about my dad. He'll be 95 in a couple of weeks and is really vulnerable. And there's no way my grandad will survive this.
sorry to bring reality into this, but the virus will mutate, viruses always mutate, almost always to become less harmful, but quite commonly enough that the antibodies you got from the last exposure are ineffective next time, thats quite quite a lot of vacine programs relly on herd imunity rather than indevidual imunity

+such data as we have sugests that this is a problem to circa 5% of the population, that includes your dad, but also my mother, which is indeed a worry such precautions as im taking is to keep a distance from her , particularly not breath on her and dont kiss her goodbuy, most people will be over it in less than a week a good % of the 5% will survive if there is medical care available

there is a wave of stupidity going round the globe which is far more harmful to our long term futures than the virus
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there is a wave of stupidity going round the globe which is far more harmful to our long term futures than the virus

There certainly is including 'helpful' advice online that is complete rubbish. The conspiracy theorists are having a field day as are those who get their medical advice from tabloid newspapers.
Yeah I believe it is! It's a karate org (and a great one at that) but still I say get amongst it!

The link for more info is: Free 1m² Online Karate Seminar

I think you just download the Zoom Cloud Meeting app and go from there. If you're awake at that time go for it, I hope they put the recording up so I can participate later [emoji14]
I think that’s 11AM here, so if I’m back by then, I can hop on.
Still open, we have no documented cases in the county as of yet.
We will be shifting to long range material though, so no grappling for the foreseeable future, I see a lot of staff, spear and sword and buckler/shield work in the next couple of months. And obviously if things do get more prevalent then I will close the class. The club loaner gear will be disinfected and then checked out to students who don't have their own so there will be no more sharing of gear.
Just want to say I'm sorry to all those who have been hit hard by it all. Whether that's in having close your hall and stop training/teaching, work suspension, travel changes, stressed love ones and yourself... hope you're all okay. Take care of yourselves and loves ones, it shall all hopefully pass soon.

Thought this was nice <3
As of last night Girl Guiding here has suspended all meetings so I'll have more time to do other things as long as it's indoors. We aren't self isolating so much as just not going out, we've stopped the martial arts classes as most of our students are likely to be off doing something else soon anyway, they are all on standby so I shall have a nice clean house, knit lots of jackets and blankets for premature babies in hospital as well as work out a virtual Brownie and Rainbow programme for the girls, the above martial arts one has given me ideas on how we can still all keep in touch.
Dojo closed for 2 weeks. And I’m quarantined for that same 2 weeks.
Ah yikes... sorry to hear that, it's truly reached such a level now worldwide.. and in Aus it's reaching whole other levels... I'm getting emails left right and centre as to closures, cancellations and postponements...

Hope you'll be okay, use us as your virtual punching bag :)
I also think the good ol Karate Nerd is gonna do some more home training ideas after this one:

sorry to bring reality into this, but the virus will mutate, viruses always mutate, almost always to become less harmful, but quite commonly enough that the antibodies you got from the last exposure are ineffective next time, thats quite quite a lot of vacine programs relly on herd imunity rather than indevidual imunity

+such data as we have sugests that this is a problem to circa 5% of the population, that includes your dad, but also my mother, which is indeed a worry such precautions as im taking is to keep a distance from her , particularly not breath on her and dont kiss her goodbuy, most people will be over it in less than a week a good % of the 5% will survive if there is medical care available

there is a wave of stupidity going round the globe which is far more harmful to our long term futures than the virus
some more facts on this, if theres any body left in the world that wants facts

based on china, the chances of dieing from this if your young are one in a thousand, which then climbs slowly till you reach middle age and then jumps, with those who are 60 having a one in a hundred mortality rate, before peaking with the over 80s who have a 15% mortality rate. but then china was more concerned with issolating whole populations rather than trying to treat the sick so those may not actually be accurate and are worse case,, its also far from clear how much the survival rates are tied to the lack of under lying conditions rather than just being aged base. if your young and HEALTHY the rates may well be considerably lower

the amount of virus gentic matterial out there quite probly means that there are considerable variasions across countries and regions in how dangerous is and how easy it is communicated. theres evolutionary presure on virus to be come less deadly and more easiliy passed on, but its possible in discrete regions for it go the other way at least in the short term. but equally some will stop being deadly at all and very difficult to pass on and just burn themselves out
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