Do you Molly or Danzac?


Don't get Chewed!
MTS Alumni
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
a happy place
There are shooters I know that swear that Molly coating or using Danzac on your bullets helps prolong the life of your barrel, increases the veolcity, etc. I have also heard that using something like molly can build up on your reloading equipment and screw up your bullets.

Anyone have any preference one way or another. Ever have any problems with build up?
I usually load lead for outdoor and Precision Bullets that have a dry-lube coating for indoor practice mainly because lead is the cheapest and Precisions are cheaper than copper plated or FMJ and don't smoke like the lead. Don't really notice any accuracy difference and I'm loading 45ACP at relatively low velocity, so I don't really have any trouble with leading or Molly residue.
Molly, and I've yet to notice any residue buildup.

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