DId anyone watch the "Paul Mitchell Karate" show on ESPN?

Fing Fang Foom

Green Belt
Jun 30, 2010
Reaction score
Pacific NorthWest
Last evening we were flipping channels and saw some tournament (Sponsered by Paul Mitchell Hair products) that was a "martial arts" competition...

Some of the people were very good with forms, weapons, etc...


I must admit, when it showed the ladies forms, the two woman it showed 'Screamed' the whole time like they were in Labor. Sorry if anyone on here does that type of tournament, but I must say We all LOFAO!!! :lol: :lol:

The guys "Screamed" their butts off too most of their form... What the heck is up with that???
Oh I hate those tournaments broadcast on TV. It's all flashy uniforms, kata I don't recognize, way too much screaming and lots of really big dudes breaking stuff.
I watched some of it but after about 15 minutes of yelling, I could not take anymore.
I saw the last few minutes of the show. I was watching a very impressive acrobatic display with a sword, but had to laugh a little when one of the announcers said something about it being applicable to a real fight. It was really cool to watch though.
Thank goodness... I gather from what you are all saying, that is not a "real" TKD tournament per say.

I think if that was the final 'goal' of all MA's, I would of pulled Lil' Tiger out tomorrow :lol:

The one guy I did like though was a blond kid that did what they called; "Soft skills".... I guess by 'soft' the announcers meant he didn't scream the whole time like he had a ruptured appendix ;)
The one guy I did like though was a blond kid that did what they called; "Soft skills".... I guess by 'soft' the announcers meant he didn't scream the whole time like he had a ruptured appendix ;)

Yes, that's the one I was talking about.
I have tried to watch those things, but end up trying to find the good over the abundant bad. Still, I do appreciate that a company as big as Paul Mitchell does have a competition team. We should support that company as much as we can since it supports the martial arts community.
My wife used to manage a hair product store and it carried the Paul Mitchell line.

I try to buy Adidas workout clothing since they support Olympic TKD.

It is good that Paul Mitchell is supporting the Martial Arts, but I don't know how involved he is. I've seen them supporting everything from F1 to golf.

I support Adidas because a big company of that type supporting MA is a good thing and the more gis they sell, the more they know that we are out there.
I also am glad Adidas sponsers TKD, we have been long time Adidas fans because of their soccer line... both the balls and the boots (cleats) are my oldest DD's favorite brand :D

as far as PM goes though, I don't really have enuff hair to support their company; I usually seattle for a .25 cent bar of irish spring to do the trick ;) :lol:
I don't know how big Paul Mitchell's team is anymore, but I know they had people like Casey Marks on their team a while back. They take people from nearly any martial arts background, sponsor them, and enter them in the big national US tournaments like the Diamond Nationals. I know Wayne Dalglish was on the team, and he was part of a Karate school in Minnesota. They all kind of take their backgrounds and toss them into the XMA ring though, so you see some interesting/strange stuff. Fun to watch, if you mute the television.
I can appreciate the skill it takes it takes to perform but I much prefer fighting.
It is good that Paul Mitchell is supporting the Martial Arts, but I don't know how involved he is. I've seen them supporting everything from F1 to golf.
Hi all. Sorry for resurrecting a dead thread if this kind of thing offends you.

Lately I've been watching these forms and breaking tournaments myself since I recently upgraded my cable package. Without commenting on the programming, the whole sponsorship by Paul Mitchell is what's really been stroking my curiosity. Does anyone have solid information of how/why this partnership came about? Hair products and martial arts almost seem antagonistic to each other.
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I'd imagine it all has to do with money and the making of it.

Adidas make a vast amount of money 'supporting' sports, the Olympic contract alone is worth millions and millions to them and then people buy their product because it's used in the Olympics. It's a very good way of advertising. One reason not to buy their products is that they are made in sweatshops underselling anything made in Europe or America for one thing and for another it's immoral paying 34p an hour, it's so little I couldn't find a conversion for dollars, I thinks it's about 25 cents!
I think you've all missed the point. How good was their hair?:uhyeah:
Hi all. Sorry for resurrecting a dead thread if this kind of thing offends you.

Lately I've been watching these forms and breaking tournaments myself since I recently upgraded my cable package. Without commenting on the programming, the whole sponsorship by Paul Mitchell is what's really been stroking my curiosity. Does anyone have solid information of how/why this partnership came about? Hair products and martial arts almost seem antagonistic to each other.

JPM has always been a big supporter of the martial arts. He has his own sport karate team which they sponsor and has sponsored for at least 15-20 years. At one point it was one the top teams in sport karate. Lately it still has some nice talent but they are not what I would consider the cream of the crop that is out there. Every year this show is on ESPN2, while people call it the JPM karate show it is the US Open in Orlando. It started a couple of decades ago and has grown to one of the largest sport karate tournaments in the world featuring competitors from all over the world. A lot has to do with its location being in Disney World.

The forms that you see presented on there are for competition only. For the most part they are creative forms and weapon routines. I believe they showed one traditional bo form from Jarret Leiker, who actually does some very solid goju forms. You will see a mix variety of Taekwondo, Karate, Kung Fu, Wushu, and other arts at these tournaments.
I saw this on TV at the gym a week or two ago. It was very flashy and well-choreographed, but didn't seem much like a real tournament if you know what I mean. I mean, the synchronized weapons forms were cool looking, but seemed more like a dance than martial arts.
I saw this on TV at the gym a week or two ago. It was very flashy and well-choreographed, but didn't seem much like a real tournament if you know what I mean. I mean, the synchronized weapons forms were cool looking, but seemed more like a dance than martial arts.
You will have to keep in mind that they only show a small portion of what is contained in the tournaments. They don't always show the best either. Bits and pieces of the competitors and not the division. We have been trying to get them to show some of the fighters as well as more traditional forms people.