Dennis Conatser Seminar


MTS Alumni
Apr 18, 2002
Reaction score
Mountaineer Martial Arts - Shepherdstown,WV
Mountaineer Martial Arts will be hosting a seminar on September 28th in Shepherdstown, WV. It will be held at Shepherd College in the Butcher Center. The featured guest is Mr. Dennis Conatser.
You may contact me or leave a message for more information.
Details will soon be available on Mountaineer Martial Arts

There will be a morning session for beginners and an afternoon session for advanced.
Pre-Registration for martial artist is $20.00 for one session.
$35.00 for both (excluding school owners)

At the door, it will be $30.00 per session or $50.00 for both (again excluding school owners.)

Spectators that have no affiliation to a participant will be $10.00 per session. Parents/Spouses will be $5.00 per session.

There is an age cut off of 14. If you have an exceptional underage student that you think would benefit from attending and not be a burden to the other participants, contact me and we will do a case by case evaluation.

Please! No Video Cameras!
FYI for anyone interested in my area. I just checked it's only a 9 hr drive from London, ON to Shepherdstown, WV. LOL I know for a fact you guys have driven farther than that for a seminar.

Originally posted by KenpoGirl
FYI for anyone interested in my area. I just checked it's only a 9 hr drive from London, ON to Shepherdstown, WV. LOL I know for a fact you guys have driven farther than that for a seminar.

Yeah but that was when hot chicks and beer were involved.
Originally posted by KenpoTess
I think I've been Insulted~!!! :rofl:

Nah, I asked Seig and he seemed reluctant to share you with the rest of us.
Originally posted by GouRonin

Nah, I asked Seig and he seemed reluctant to share you with the rest of us.
What we have here is a failure to communicate...what we call "Hot Chicks" down here, y'all call "Buffalo Wings" up there....
Now as for the other kind of "Hot Chicks", Gou, keep in mind that right now the group that have pre-paid for the seminar is comprised of approximately 40% women. That should keep even you occupied. As for Tess, she's mine, I don't share.
Originally posted by Seig

Now as for the other kind of "Hot Chicks", Gou, keep in mind that right now the group that have pre-paid for the seminar is comprised of approximately 40% women. That should keep even you occupied.

Should keep Dennis busy too. ;)
Originally posted by KenpoGirl

Should keep Dennis busy too. ;)

Well Dot.. all I have to say is.. I watch over my fledglings like a Mother eagle.. so these girls won't have anything to worry about with Dennis around.. *sharpening talons* besides.. they are all but kids.. ~!!!
And why doesn't Doug bring his other half down too
-He's been threatening to meet Seig for years if he shows up.. that would be great.. :)
Originally posted by KenpoTess

Well Dot.. all I have to say is.. I watch over my fledglings like a Mother eagle.. so these girls won't have anything to worry about with Dennis around.. *sharpening talons* besides.. they are all but kids.. ~!!!
And why doesn't Doug bring his other half down too
-He's been threatening to meet Seig for years if he shows up.. that would be great.. :)

LOL Good for you Tess, make sure you keep him in line. ;) Wish I was a fly on the wall to see it.

Didn't you hear, Gou's defected to Systema, he only participates in Kenpo if physically threatened. His VERY much better half isn't into martial arts but she's a great lady, she's been to some of the camps with Gou in the past.
Originally posted by KenpoGirl

LOL Good for you Tess, make sure you keep him in line. ;) Wish I was a fly on the wall to see it.

Didn't you hear, Gou's defected to Systema, he only participates in Kenpo if physically threatened. His VERY much better half isn't into martial arts but she's a great lady, she's been to some of the camps with Gou in the past.

hahaha.. Yeah Dot.. I heard that rumour about Doug.. go figure..well they that defect.... can always come back..*w*
I wish you were coming down too.. I could use another hand.. *g*
Originally posted by KenpoTess

I wish you were coming down too.. I could use another hand..

I have no doubt you can handle him Tess, he likes red heads. ;)

Perhaps one day we'll meet, but my sence of direction leaves a lot to be desired. If I drove down, I'd probably end up in Phoenix instead Shepherstown. :idunno:

It's Long way to go for just one day too. Perhaps in the future if you have a weekend camp I and the others around here might consider it.

I'll have you know the only reason I am not going to impose my good looks and charm on Seig and Tess is because I have already committed to a Kenpo seminar that weekend with Big Guy in New York.

I have to go, he threatened to give me an underwear wedgie if I didn't!
Originally posted by GouRonin

I'll have you know the only reason I am not going to impose my good looks and charm on Seig and Tess is because I have already committed to a Kenpo seminar that weekend with Big Guy in New York.

I have to go, he threatened to give me an underwear wedgie if I didn't!

Harumph.. well ok.. I guess the threat of an impending wedgie is something enough to make a man give up coming to Wild Wonderful sometimes wicked West by Gawd Virginia.. *snortles*

Hope you have a fine time and take lots of piccies Doug~!! and definitely hope to see ya sometime~!

Originally posted by KenpoGirl

I have no doubt you can handle him Tess, he likes red heads. ;)

Perhaps one day we'll meet, but my sence of direction leaves a lot to be desired. If I drove down, I'd probably end up in Phoenix instead Shepherstown. :idunno:

It's Long way to go for just one day too. Perhaps in the future if you have a weekend camp I and the others around here might consider it.


Oh yeah Dot.. those redheads..*goes fast to buy some lady clairol .. hahaaa..
Well that would be alot of fun if we all could meet sometime..~!
And I guess Phoenix is a wee bit SW of us.. *g*..
Ok gotta scoot.. kids class awaits~!
Have a great evening ~!

Originally posted by GouRonin

I'll have you know the only reason I am not going to impose my good looks and charm on Seig and Tess is because I have already committed to a Kenpo seminar that weekend with Big Guy in New York.

I have to go, he threatened to give me an underwear wedgie if I didn't!
I'm planning to do it again in March....How bout I threaten you with nougies if you don't make that one? Or failing that, the old circular shampoo!
Originally posted by KenpoGirl

he likes red heads. ;)

That's my redhead!
It's Long way to go for just one day too. Perhaps in the future if you have a weekend camp I and the others around here might consider it.

I'll have to talk to Dennis and some others to see what would be involved in that. The camps sound like a signifigant financial venture, especially for a first timer.
Originally posted by Seig
I'm planning to do it again in March....How bout I threaten you with nougies if you don't make that one? Or failing that, the old circular shampoo!

Don't get it in my eyes you sinister fiend! That's why I use "no more tears" shampoo.

It all depends on who all is going. I might be up for it. Just to meet you and let you bask in the glory that is me.
Originally posted by KenpoGirl

I have no doubt you can handle him Tess, he likes red heads. ;)

Perhaps one day we'll meet, but my sence of direction leaves a lot to be desired. If I drove down, I'd probably end up in Phoenix instead Shepherstown. :idunno:

It's Long way to go for just one day too. Perhaps in the future if you have a weekend camp I and the others around here might consider it.


This might not be the best time to bring this up (I posted some pictures of Kenpo Girl in another thread that she did not appreciate) but a long road trip / kenpo camp with Dot sounds rather interesting.... in a cartoon sort of way.

Originally posted by lifewise

This might not be the best time to bring this up (I posted some pictures of Kenpo Girl in another thread that she did not appreciate) but a long road trip / kenpo camp with Dot sounds rather interesting.... in a cartoon sort of way.



I'm travel well just ask Gou and his wife, we went to Jeff Blay's a year ago. I paid my way, I kept them entertained and I'm even car trained. No accidents, well....... there was one close call but we got to the rest stop in time. :eek:
Dear god...please...I thought I was almost over the horror...

Just think for one moment Kenpo Girl - do you really think you could do a long road trip with me in the car (not on the roof, or the hood, but IN THE CAR) and a camp?