DC crime rates since gun ban lifted


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 25, 2010
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Just saw story on the new since the DC gun ban was lifted homicides are down 37% and in chicago they are down 14%.
You mean, when criminals might face armed opposition, they tend to be less active and that the average citizen can be responsible?

Wow. I'd never have guessed that.
Homicides maybe down but the robberies are up.
Every week in the more affluent areas, 2-3 ppl are gettin jacked.

All the more reason for the people in more affluent areas to buy a gun

Also Id much rather be robbed then Murdered the outcome is much less permanent
Since it is DC and it is the affluent areas, you can probably determine that they are more of the political spectrum that doesn't believe that people have the right to keep and carry firearms for protection.
Wait... you mean when more law abiding people have guns, they don't suddenly start breaking the law?

Reality: law abiding folks are likely to remain law abiding folks, whether they have guns or not. Criminals will have guns, whether they are legally permitted to do so or not.

Of course, DC probably still doesn't have a whole lot more legal guns than they did two years ago; last I heard, they still only had ONE legal gun dealer. And he was having trouble getting a storefront... because the DC council and government was blocking him.
When anyone can have guns, politicians are afraid.
When only politicians thugs have guns, everyone else is afraid.
All the more reason for the people in more affluent areas to buy a gun

Also Id much rather be robbed then Murdered the outcome is much less permanent
Uh... Poor people get robbed too. Social security checks, unemployment checks, food-stamps, et al. So screw the affluent if they got that attitude! Middle class tend to be just as hard hit. So once again, screw the affluent IF they have that attitude.
1%, 99%, we're all the same and are equally affected whenever it happens... to anyone.

Or we SHOULD be equally affected.

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