DAY #004 Step by Step Kung Fu Shadow Boxing - Rain for the Week


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
It looks like this entire week is going to be all rain, so I have to alter my training a little. This week, I'll focus weight lifting and train speed for my punches. I'm not sure if anyone is trying the same Shadow Boxing plan that I'm sharing, but if you are, then you can add moving backwards to your shadow boxing. So instead of just doing forward and straight punches, You are now able to use backwards movement to your shadow boxing. Work out all of the combinations that you can think of.

I'll post a sample video if the weather permits. Move forward and backwards as much or as little as you like, so long as you eventually get to the other end. Start off slow and then increase to medium speed by day 4 of this session. The last 3 days of this session can be fas if you like.

The slow sessions have all the same goals. Pay attention to balance, weight shift, foot placement. technique, the type of combos you want to use. etc. Get all of that stuff out now so that you don't have to try to think about it when the shadow boxing becomes more advance.

There is no rule to how you move backwards. It could be a short shuffle, a step back, or a full on retreat in reverse. The end of your backward movement should always finish with a straight punch. I say this only because we are working on linear punches. I'll post some videos of the punching exercises that I do to help with my punching speed.