Cool music with video.

My opinion on the first one:

The music went well with the content and it synced up quite well. I think it became a bit too repetitive Both in the clips and the content after a while though.

This video really made me wonder "Do some of these fighters want to be murderers?" One clip where a guy hit an unconscious opponent about 5 times into the mats disturbed me a little.

That was a good compilation of clips though, it just needed more. It was going in the right direction. Unfortunately the vid just didn't have enough footage to fill 3 minutes.
My opinion on the second vid:

I definately enjoyed the intro on this one. I felt the music really went well with the athlete profiles in the beginning. It really did well to show the different personalities in the competitors.

I felt the music didn't quite work as well as the first vid I watched. Although, there is a much better assortment of clips in this one. Some showing very interesting and awesome skill in the matches.

It was a nice touch to not just show the moves in the fights but some of the events as well. Such as the team trying desperately to revive a downed fighter. Or a victorious combatant celebrating after his win.

Basically, this is the opposite from the first one. Repetitive music, very good footage.
Kewl vids. I remember seeing a lot of those fights.
Correction, the music is actually from a movie called Requiem for a Dream about drug addicts. Starring Jared Leto, Marlon Wayans, an Jennifer Conelly. It was remixed for the LOTR trailers.
Cool vids, downloaded them for safe keeping.

The little blond haired Asian guy, he was explosive and just stayed on top.

Some of the other stuff, man... Always keep in mind, the hard jab or hook to the jaw, thats the off switch... Nite Nite!

And I think I saw a broke elbow at the end of the first. Tap faster young grasshopper! :)

Thanx for the post!

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