Chuck Liddell



I've noticed that the UFC fighter, Chuck Liddell has "Kempo" tattooed on his left upper arm.

I was wondering if anyone here knew who he trained under?
I read in BB that he trained in a Hawaiian form of Kempo. I think his instructor is John Hackleman, not sure who he is or what system of kempo he teaches.
If you want to see where Liddell trains now you check out his offical website at I have not checked it in a while so I don't remember all the information in there they have on him, if I remember right there are only stats for UFC and Pride fights no bio or anything. The site is really the site of where he trains. Another option to check out may be (although I don't recommend joining their forums, a lot of bashing goes on in there, just not worth the time.), they have a lot of fighter information on that site.
Hackleman was a student of the late Prof. Walter Godin, who in turn was a black belt under Sijo Adriano Emperado (Kajukenbo/Kenpo Karate).