Choong Jang Questions

Earl Weiss

Senior Master
Jan 27, 2009
Reaction score
Choong Jang Tul questions.
#12 Kneeling Turning Kick. Is opponent full facing toward C so that if Viewed from D you would see the ball of the foot, Or is the opponent Side Facing to C - Full face to A so that if viewed from D you would see the bottom of the foot. (I know what 1st Ed of encyclopedia shows) Have also reviewed CD Rom video and others.
#s 30-32 in L stance - Rear Hand Punch lead hand palm. Usual angle for L stance rear hand punch is to have the arm forma line parallel to the 15 degree direction of the lead foot. keep this angle or is punch more toward C?
When answering if possible please advise as to which org (which ITF or other) so I can tell if there any differences by group.)

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