Cauliflower Ear?


White Belt
Jul 7, 2009
Reaction score
Does anyone have it? How bad?

Found this gallery of some of the nastiest cauliflower ears I've ever seen, and I'm just hoping my ears don't end up looking like this.


check it out here:
I'm not a wrestler, so bear that in mind. But I have two close friends who are. One was a high school wrestler. The other the same, and is now a high-level BJJ competitor. So between them, a fair amount of experience.

Boiled down, what they've told me is that 1) wearing the headgear (ear coverings) will protect your ears from cauliflower ear, at least to a degree and 2) you can have cauliflower ear drained to reduce its effect. Apparently, cauliflower ear occurs when there's tearing in the tissue of the ear. Those tears fill up with fluid which hardens over time. If you get them drained in time, they'll look relatively normal. If they harden, you're stuck with it.

Now, I could be misremembering some of the details. But hopefully that's about right.

if you drain it immediately after it swells, it should be fine or minor. also some people are just predisposed to either get it or not. i've been grappling for a long time & just have a very mild case on my right ear. it's barely noticeable, but my head phones won't stay in.

Anybody else think someone should start taking up a collection to buy these guys ear protectors?! I mean, these pictures just hurt my feelings. Yuck.
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I agree, those are pretty nasty. I wonder why some people don't get them fixed ?
I don't wear head gear much, but I do keep a set around for times when I start dealing with it. If you drain and pack it you can keep it realitively minor. That and actually take care of it in it's early stages.
er... what is cauliflour ear? i can see from the pic that the ear is all out of shape and whatnot, but wtf and how do you get it and stuff? and is there any damage done to the inner ear? does this affect hearing at all?
er... what is cauliflour ear? i can see from the pic that the ear is all out of shape and whatnot, but wtf and how do you get it and stuff? and is there any damage done to the inner ear? does this affect hearing at all?
You can find detailed information easily with an internet search, but cauliflower ear is damage to the cartilage and soft tissue of the ear caused by blows or tearing. The skin essentially is torn from the cartilage that gives the ear its shape, and the cartilage loses its blood supply and contracts and dies. Severe cases can effect hearing.
When the cartilage layers in your ear seperate, they fill with blood, causing a massive amount of swelling and leaving room for hte cartilage to move around and reset. When the blood finally drains out, the cartilage is left in weird patterns, hence the horrible pictures. When you drain it, you should massage it out and kind of crunch up the cartilage in the ear to make it look normal again.

I've been told you can actually help prevent it to a degree by massaging your ears everyday. I know that when I had cauliflower ear, I had to have it drained and then rubbed out, which sucked.... bad.

After I had my ear, an old wrestling coach told me to start massaging my ears to get the cartilage soft and it's less likely to happen. I do know my ears feel softer since massaging them regularly. I've had my ears folded over and ground into the mat and forearms and since I started doing the massage thing, it doesn't hurt and hasn't cauliflowered on me.


PS. for a REALLY BAD example of cauliflower ear, do a google search for Wallid Ismael... I've been told that he's partially deaf in the one ear (you'll know which one) from the cauliflowering.
Hello, So many proper equitment available.......NOT to use them?

Is asking for trouble.....

My daugher is a Senior in High School and will be in the forth year of wrestling....Anyone NOT wearing head gear.......DUMB!

Aloha, ....and NO excuses either?