Bullet Proof Monk



I went to see this with my wife this weekend. I enjoyed it, the end drug out a little too long. I did laugh and thought the character interaction was funny and I always have fun watching "wire fu". It rated very low though. I wasnt expecting lord of the rings or anything so I just enjoyed myself.
Has anyone else seen it??? What did you think?
I saw it yesterday. It was okay. No Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon that's for sure and nothing was realistic but that's alright. It was entertaining and the fights were fun to watch.

Robyn :asian:
good action, good special effects, a good bit of fun. it was pretty much what i expected it to be plus a little bit more i'd say. the dude from american pie does a good job as well.

i'd say it's worth seeing considering there really isn't any other martial arts action out there right now.
Originally posted by brianhunter
I went to see this with my wife this weekend. I enjoyed it, the end drug out a little too long. I did laugh and thought the character interaction was funny and I always have fun watching "wire fu". It rated very low though. I wasnt expecting lord of the rings or anything so I just enjoyed myself.
Has anyone else seen it??? What did you think?

I liked it quite a bit. Pretty much what I expected it to be overall and there weren't really any surprising plot twists (though they tried).

But I thought it was very good. I really like Chow Yun Fat. I thought Sean William Scott and the girl did good work, too.

I thought, within the context of the movie, the story line was very plausible and held together well.

As I told someone else (on another forum): if I want to see real martial arts on a screen, I've got video footage of my instructors I can watch. I'm at the movies to be entertained by the story and action. Being entertained by reality is nothing special :)

I agree with Mike totally, except that it was better than I expected. I had a fun time watching this movie.

I saw it this weekend. Granted you don't go to a movie like that to see an oscar winner. That being said, it could have been alot better. The story was fine and the actors did a good job. I just didn't like the way they filmed it, the editing and cinematography was nothing to write home about. And can any Amercian director shoot a fight scene the right way?! The close up shots during the fight scenes made it hard to figure out what they were doing. With those simple adjustment it would have been even more enjoyable. I would give it a 6 out of 10 just because of the way it was filmed.

Just my 2 cents
Originally posted by arnisador
The martial arts sequences weren't that great.

But don't forget that Chow Yun-Fat isn't a martial artist! He's just an actor. He happened to look half-decent in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, so his next movie was a kung fu flick, but most of his earlier works have just been comedies.
Originally posted by Crazy Chihuahua
But don't forget that Chow Yun-Fat isn't a martial artist! He's just an actor. He happened to look half-decent in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, so his next movie was a kung fu flick, but most of his earlier works have just been comedies.


I'd call what I've seen of his earlier work action or drama:
Anna and the King
The Corruptor
The Replacement Killers

Of course, that's only what's been popular here in America. I haven't seen any of his earlier Chinese films. Were they comedies?

I've seen 2 of his Hong Kong films; Hard Boiled and The Killer. Both were straight up action flicks. There were some funny spots but they were not comedies. I've heard the same for Bullet in the Head(the title is soemthing like that).

From what I've heard of Chow is that he was a stunt man first. I guess they thought it was better to make a stunt man the lead actor, that way he would do his own action scenes instead of bringing someone else in to do it. He's is really good in both of those films, both I think were directed by John Woo.
I maybe wrong here, but I thought Jackie Chen was a stunt man and never heard of Chow was a stunt man; he doesn't like to be wired. I'd rather think he is a action and drama star.

Min :asian:
Originally posted by pesilat

I'd call what I've seen of his earlier work action or drama:
Anna and the King
The Corruptor
The Replacement Killers

Of course, that's only what's been popular here in America. I haven't seen any of his earlier Chinese films. Were they comedies?

Originally posted by MartialArtist

LOL. Nope. Haven't seen that one yet. Keep meaning to, but the fates have, thus far, conspired against me ;)

Originally posted by moromoro
Does chow yun fat have the lead role or is this a stiffler flick

Chow, Scott (Stiffler), and the girl (can't remember her name) are co-stars. The movie ends up being about the interactions between them. But Chow is definitely the lead role.

you might have to dig a bit to find his earlier movies. i've got a friend who's seen a lot of his stuff, and he tells me he used to do some loose, funny movies.

the stunt man thing i'd never heard before. it may be true, but i'd not heard that previous to reading this post....