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You know Don, I think that this dillsional "Soke" is making a mockery of you. He knows he has been caught and he has no concept of accepting the facts. The way I see it is he is trying his to refute all the allegation by coming up with something more absurd !
Aegis said:
That's where the real grade problems begin, because 2 shodans do not equal a judan by any stretch of the imagination

I think I got it! He's using binary mathematics! 1 + 1 = 10 in binary :partyon:
So, we have a guy who:

- is overweight, and dealing with several serious illnesses
- cannot prove his training with anything by self-made certificates.
- has spent minimal time in any one art
- claims to be recognized by the World Combat Martial Artists Association, yet doesn't appear to be listed on their site
- claims to work closely with Bob Koch, yet Mr. Koch's web site has no mention nor any photos of Mr. Calkins. Mr. Koch's website has been up since late 2000. Surely in 5 years, there'd have been a mention of Bruce?
- claims both a title and a rank that is rare in legitimate martial arts circles, which were supposedly granted after a grueling video test.
- claims to be a licensed bodyguard, yet his credentials as supplied appear to be little more than what you can buy yourself or an employer would provide.

The only conclusion I can make is that Mr. Calkins has a nasty habit of exaggerating his experiences, has been repeatedly mislead by his own instructors, and has fabricated qualifications in order to sooth his own need to be a leader, and be accepted as a man.

As a result, he is neither a leader, nor a man. Just a sad, pitiful individual, who is desperate for attention and validation. I doubt he'll show at the MT M&G. 5 minutes on the floow with any real martial artists will show him to be what he is, and his ego won't allow him to expose himself to any enviroment where he isn't "the great soke".

Bah to him, and his ilk.
Akashiro Tamaya said:
You know Don, I think that this dillsional "Soke" is making a mockery of you. He knows he has been caught and he has no concept of accepting the facts. The way I see it is he is trying his to refute all the allegation by coming up with something more absurd !

Maybe he is trying to make a mockery of me, but I doubt he is harming anyone but himself.

But the fact that he makes light of what he did instead of making a full, heart felt acceptence of what he did is perhaps the most disturbing. We can only help him if he starts to show the proper attitude. A person with his level of knowledge could learn a lot here. We help a lot of newbies and ignorant people to understand martial arts concepts and history. But if his attitude is such that he can't admit his mistakes and move on, then nothing will be accomplished here.

The whole problem that caused Bruce to attack me like he did was because I refuted his story about the ninja being downdrodden minorities that used nunchaku and the like. Since I was able to back up what I said with fact and logic and he could not, striking out at my credibility must have seemed like the most effective method of winning the debate.

It is that attitude that disturbs me both as a moderator at Martialtalk and as a person that honestly wants to help people like Bruce who have no knowledge or training in ninjutsu. Unless Bruce sets aside his need for status, there is no way we can help him and he will never grow in the martial arts.
Don Roley said:
It is that attitude that disturbs me both as a moderator at Martialtalk and as a person that honestly wants to help people like Bruce who have no knowledge or training in ninjutsu. Unless Bruce sets aside his need for status, there is no way we can help him and he will never grow in the martial arts.

A lot of people has been willing to assist him Don, but somehow he thinks he is in the clear because he has decided to change his unearned Sokeship title on this forum, but one quick look at his site reveals he has not made an effort to change. I feel for his students, really It sort of reminds me of the Branch Davidian group
Don Roley said:
It is that attitude that disturbs me both as a moderator at Martialtalk and as a person that honestly wants to help people like Bruce who have no knowledge or training in ninjutsu. Unless Bruce sets aside his need for status, there is no way we can help him and he will never grow in the martial arts.
At least you maintain a polite attitude.
Bester said:
As a result, he is neither a leader, nor a man. Just a sad, pitiful individual, who is desperate for attention and validation. I doubt he'll show at the MT M&G. 5 minutes on the floow with any real martial artists will show him to be what he is, and his ego won't allow him to expose himself to any enviroment where he isn't "the great soke".

You are not the first person to venture that Bruce will not show up as planned. That would be a great disapointment to many. It would also cause problems since he has repeatedly put off backing up what he says with the excuse that all will be set to rest in July.

In fact, it is getting pretty bad and maybe Bruce should stop using that excuse. Reecently I have been reminded of the old Bob Newhart show. :wink2: I remember a game played in college dorms where people would down a shot everytime someone said, "Hi Bob!"

I am almost ready to put a small pitcher of kamaikazes and a shot glass next to my computer and play the "in July" game.

So maybe Bruce should stop saying that he will prove things in July and merely stick to things he can prove here and now.
It was asked (and not answered) on the original thread by Hardheadjarhead...a former Marine.
This post has been quite comical to say the least. The Eagle Fed is just plain ridiculous. It looks like a simcity fantasy site run by some 18 year high school senior. Someone trying to verify rank by using this waste of bandwidth is one of two things.... ignorant or out for an ego stroke. Knighthood and Sokeship?? Come on, Sokes are a dime and dozen and not worth a dime in most cases.

What happened to traditional schools and systems? All these put together jigsaw puzzles of an art are out of control. In theory every family in the US, Canada, Antartica...wherever, could have their own family self-made martial art. Does that make it legit? No. Will people enroll in them? Sure, which is sad since there is a ton of REAL schools that could be right across the street.

When newbies are looking for a school, they might see a Legit Kajukenbo 3rd Dan at school A and a Bob-won-do 10th Dan Soke Grandmaster Jedi at school B. Most ignorant people would pick 10, since numerically 10 is higher than 3.

It is amazing that people would sell out for a few more stripes on their belt.
Bester said:
The only conclusion I can make is that Mr. Calkins has a nasty habit of exaggerating his experiences, has been repeatedly mislead by his own instructors, and has fabricated qualifications in order to sooth his own need to be a leader, and be accepted as a man.
Perhaps we are feeding his attention craving here a little bit no?
WHAT??? Giving the knife to the attacker gives you the advantage?

This is wrong on so many levels, and to think that this method is being taught...
Tgace said:
Perhaps we are feeding his attention craving here a little bit no?

Sort of suspected that, after all he seems to be enjying the spotlight here. Regardless how bad the publicity for him, it gets people to visit his site.
Tgace said:
Hes an "unarmed security guard" same as a mall on the little blue link.

Hmmmm...I think Mr. Calkins may have over-sold the value of this.

Still, he does have some state license.
John Bishop said:
Yea, about as much authority as a WalMart Greeter.
This sums it up pretty well. "Executive Security" is just a new phrase used by security companies to market body guard services to rich people. No particular training or licensing required.
But, if you don't have a CCW permit, nobody of any status is going to hire you. So you end up being the big slob at the door holding back the groupies, while the real "armed" body guards escourt the client around.
And I've yet to see someone that's 5'7" 247 lbs. sport a 36" waist.
I'm sorry but there are many clients that do not want armed guards. I have never needed a Pistol Permit on the Jobs I have had so I don't chose to carry. That is my choice. I have had many top clients that request this.
Akashiro Tamaya said:
A lot of people has been willing to assist him Don, but somehow he thinks he is in the clear because he has decided to change his unearned Sokeship title on this forum, but one quick look at his site reveals he has not made an effort to change. I feel for his students, really It sort of reminds me of the Branch Davidian group
Did he say he was going to change/adjust his site?

Perhaps things like that will take time.

I dont expect him to change over-night.

I do expect him to have a willingness to change-first.
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