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arnisador said:
A.) Knighthoods aren't hereditary like baronetcies are.

When you mentioned the deep South, and Duke, I thought you were going to mention the imbecilic Knights of David Duke's favorite organization. Then I read more carefully!
A.) Yes, I knew that. However, most have been awarded on someone with fame, good deed(s) for King/Queen/Country. And according to what I can remember, one has to be "full blood". If I am not mistaken.

B.) Hmmmn, another example of "knights". Those you speak are "Knights that come out at Nights"

So I guess the term kinght, is accordance to the organization, club, or social entity.
Ok I have just started reading this thread but here is my coments so far with all that
"Dr. Allen Carpenter

Founder and President of Eagle Federation

Shodai soke Grandmaster of Zendo

Order of Eagle Fellowship- Knight, Master, Grandmaster

Universal Order of Knights- Knight, Grandmaster

Doctorate of Philosophy in Zendo

Tae Kwon-Do

Juko-Ryu Ju Jitsu

Fudoshin Ryu Ninjitsu

Dragon Kenpo

Yoshin Ryu Jujitsu



is involved in and all the he is a

"Member of:

Eagle Martial Arts Federation

Submission Fighting Academy

United States Martial Arts Association

National JuJitsu Federation

International Matsumura Seito Society

Brotherhood of Martialartists

Karate For Christ

Independent Martial Arts Federation

Global Union of Martial Artists

American Federation of Jujitsu

Aiki Kyoikukai

World Black Belt Bureau

Hawaii Martial Arts Society

International Sungja-Do Association

Black Dragon Society

World Street Combat Systems Organization

International Tae Kwon-Do and Budosports Federation

The Unified Martial Arts Association International

Martial Arts Association

Valadez Kenpo Association

Karate International Council of Kickboxing

World Black Belt Organization"

If he is truly a good member of these organizations and not just a member by name how does be have time to breath. This is the lowest form of self promotion I have ever seen. With claims like this you have to doubt every aspect of every thing that he states. The Dragon Kenpo was probably ordered off of E-bay (I know they sell it there).

And to think when I first started reading this thread that it was another gang up on Soke Calkins again. These claims are mindblowing.


Rick English.
That will be about 22 orgs that he is a member of.

I rarely have time to be a member of;
My martial art study (1-art)
My family.

Jmh7331 said:
Yes but, with all his power and knowledge he can probably be in two places at once! :asian:

BTW----Jmh7331-I have seen your signature thing "floating around the office".....
He is probably also a movie writer.
Here's a title for you

"Duke where's my Soke"

would that be the porn version of "dude where's my car"?

Rick Wade said:
He is probably also a movie writer.
Here's a title for you

"Duke where's my Soke"

would that be the porn version of "dude where's my car"?

Speaking of knights-how about;

Sir Sokealot
Which institutions offer degrees in Zendo?

Probably the same ones that offer them in Anatomical Physics...
Rick Wade said:
It is the Zen of Kendo you don't actually hit each other with anything and you don't have to wear pads.
Though high boots are recommended.
Hey! They are associated with the Black Dragon Society!

Yay for Ashida Kim!

Some people's egos, or abilities are such, that their work cannot stand on it's own. They need the crutch of others validation. They will band together with others who suffer from the same shortcomings.

Rank from these groups and individuals is not worth the ink used to print the paper.
If they truely had something to offer, they wouldn't feel the need to tell us how great they are, how humble they are, how many years of experience they have.

They could show us, either in person or on video.

They never do, because, they don't have it.

And we waste our time debating these wastes of DNA, when we could instead be bettering ourselves. Either by training, by studying, or by fellowship with those who don't need to "make it up" or "mix n match".

I'm done with Calkins. As much as I like good fantasy, I much prefer DragonLance to Sokes.
Bester said:
And we waste our time debating these wastes of DNA
Let's stop before we go too far. A person could have questionable martial arts credentials but still be a good parent, a good friend, a good citizen. Let's be careful not to overdo it!
arnisador said:
Let's stop before we go too far. A person could have questionable martial arts credentials but still be a good parent, a good friend, a good citizen. Let's be careful not to overdo it!
Yes, I have to agree.

Although I had a "questionable teacher" in the past, he was still a good parent and did things in his community. He had fund raisers for people in need. Such funds were accounted by local bank. The guy literally went out there, "shook signs", had BBQ fund picinics. The local bank took care of everything.

Rather he did it for recognition or that he had "heart", (heck I met his family-no different than other families), I guess all people have certain faults
If you misrepresent yourself, or flat out lie, what kind of role model are you?

If you rob the mint, or steal a pencil from work, you are still a thief.

A liar is still a liar. Doesn't matter if it's about where you trained, what you had for lunch, or where the weapons of mass destruction are. A lie is a lie.

You're a teacher. Will you forgive your students cheating on a test because they gave blood at the Red Cross and served food to the homeless, or will you fail them as a cheat?

These "people" claim to be masters, experts, leaders.
Their misunderstanding, misrepresentation, and flat out fraud has the potential to get people killed. They are scum.
I am not talking about flat lies like training with Bruce Lee...etc.,

But, what if they beleive, that they are the level that they should be?

There is exaggeration, ego inflation, misunderstanding, misrepresentation, and crude dishonesty.

Now, not that I look to state that con-men or scam artists are not lurking in MA. Heck, these are in every faucet of life or professions. And religion(s) have the worst.

Sure, I meet many people with many claims.
Some of those people are into their claims for money only.
Some have theirs for a false sense of grandiuer.
Some have their or mental state of bleliefs.

I am not excusing the like. I undertstand and tolerate them for there is nothing that can be done-to my knowledge.
You know it is so easy for all of you to post that I know nothing about the arts... Im sorry to keep saying that you are wrong... Just because what I learned over the 37 years in not like yours. The History I learned and respect is listed all over. It must be based of something or so many of the people I meet in person would not have the same teaching... I have traveled all over the US and met many Martial Artist. And everyone I have met felt I was the real deal.(As I Am) Bob from this site Knows Sensei Hutch and Sensei Koch... If I was so much a fake and knew nothing about the arts... Why would these people have me teach in their school? or Why would they spend their time coming to my school for seminars and training? They Do. and many times. Kyoshi Astin of Bolder Co. even mentioned me in one of his articles in Martial Arts Prefessional Magazine. I have also written several articles in these same Martial Arts Magazines. Not the free areas that anyone can send an opinion... But a Full Page Instructional Article for the Magazine.
It gets very hard for me to constantly read the posts in this forum. I guess the reason I keep posting is that maybe someone will finally see... "Hay Maybe we were mistaking." " That is something I did hear." "It's not the way I learned it but... Maybe". But no... Everything is fake and that is that. I will be attending Mr. Hubbards Meet and Greet and I have asked my good friend Sifu David Moore to come as well. I just hope that when people meet me in person instead in type that they will see that I am NOT a fake but someone that has truly devoted all of his life to this wonderful art. So far everyone I have met in person agrees. I have many friends in the arts. and hope to grow these numbers.
SokeCalkins said:
You know it is so easy for all of you to post that I know nothing about the arts... Im sorry to keep saying that you are wrong.

Well mr Calkins, you really don't have much experience in the martial arts or much knowledge. Or at least, nothing that you can prove. We can't make people accept your story without proof and so maybe you had best save time instead of arguing and posting to try to convince people otherwise.

Again, you can't make people beleive you without proof. You don't want to provide proof. So all your arguing is wasted effort and a waste of time for others.
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