Bo/Jo/Staff - Not knife, sorry...


Yellow Belt
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
Kent, UK
My brother and I have been using nunchuka for the past couple of weeks and have become quite proficient with them. I would like to extend my weapons abilities and start using a bo/jo/staff, but really don't know much about them. Can someone tell me some of the basics about them, and where I may be able to find some material on the 'net covering basics. As there is nowhere around where I would be able to be taught, I shall no doubt get a video/DVD and teach myself, so any recomendations would be cool
A few weeks of toying with Nunchaku isn't what I would call proficient.

If you want to know how to use a weapon, you gotta take the lessons from an instructor. Without instruction, it's just playing. Nunchaku, staff and sticks, there's a whole lot more to them than you'll ever pick up from a video. It's best to wait it out til you find some instruction.

And what's this about "not knife". Knife is quite deadly and you should not understimate them as they have a very high killing potential. I train some Filipino Martial Arts and I tell you, if you go against a trained knife fighter you're in for a serious awakening or more likely you'll just be plain dead. Even someone who isn't a trained knife fighter will still do serious damage to you. A knife is powerful killing tool. Don't underestimate a knife.
I realize that you stated that you don't have anything nearby, but the best way to get started, would be to ask your sensei at the dojo. He would most likely have at least enough knowledge to get you started on the basics of handling, strikes, blocks, movements, etc.

Where are you located? There has to be some dojo within a reasonable driving distance...
Hello, Nunchuks are fun and are powerful weapons. (most places illegal to carry)

The bo/ staff are weapons that can be found in alot of places, broom handles,mop handles, walking sticks,canes and so on...(short and long)

Anyone can swing a stick....but learning the bo/staff strikes..unlimited

Keep in mind(some states)...If you carry a baseball bat in your car? make sure you have a baseball glove and ball too! That way they cannot say you are carrying a deadly weapon or plan to use it for a deadly purpose. Playball! .......Aloha

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