Blood spilled at LaBounty Seminar!


I'm working on putting several dozen pix on a CD for several of the participants. When I get my hands on them, I'll post 2-3 more "action" photos here. But it may be Nov 10th before I put anything else up.

Notes however, should be forthcoming this week.

I now release you to your regularly scheduled readings.
Oh No! I was going to use my favorite quote from Planet of the Apes and say "You looked more intelligent with the beard." But now I have to check out to see if the patch is backwards or something because now he's gone the "Mirror Spock" route.

cdhall said:
Oh No! I was going to use my favorite quote from Planet of the Apes and say "You looked more intelligent with the beard." But now I have to check out to see if the patch is backwards or something because now he's gone the "Mirror Spock" route.

One of my favorite episodes!
And at long last, my brief, skeletal notes from the seminars.

-Forms 1 and 2 as Dictionaries of Kenpo

-Adrenalin, motor function and real assaults
-Theory vs Practice
-Variation on Thundering Hammers with choke and/or takedown

-Torque relative to powerful strikes
-Compound and insert strikes
-Body Mechanics vs using muscle strength

Mr. Duffy workout roughly 7am-8:45am
Roughly 45mins of Cardio, Stretching and Bag work, followed by about 60 more mins of Technique lines, the "Circle Drill" and Sparring.

-Variation on Leap of Death, takedowns and Groundwork
-Naked Choke, Armbar

-Speed and Timing Drills
-The Rip
-Escalation of skillfull execution through the Black Belt levels

-Empty hand techniques adapted for sticks
-Chokes and joint locks with sticks
-Body Mechanics vs using muscle strength

I'll see if I can get an action photo up this week.
Yes, there were classes on Friday night for the colored belts, thank you Mr. Billings. I wasn't there so I didn't have any notes.

However, Mr. Duffy says I can post his recap from the AKF site so here is some more info for those inquiring minds that want to know. :D


"2004 Spirit Camp -

The 2004 Texas Spirit Camp was a great success. Approximately 30 participants came and worked out with our terrific instructors: Stephen LaBounty from Northern California,
Dennis Conatser from Scottsdale AZ, and
Tommy Burks from North Texas.

Students from the AKF headquarters studio as well as AKF affiliate clubs from Houston, TX, Midland/Odessa, TX, and Edmond, OK were in attendance at this annual event. Participants from other Kenpo studios included Mike Billings and his student Les Logan of Michael Billings Kenpo Karate, Jeff Schroder and Philip Strauch from Austin Kenpo Karate, Greg Duke from Tommy Burks Kenpo, and George Moreno, Carlos DeLeon, and Mike Romero from the NCKKA group in San Antonio, TX.

Special guest, Jim Blair, who originally started his training with Brian Duffy here in Austin, came in from Florida to give a presentation on how to implement the newly introduced training tool, KenpoKards.

The weekend of training was capped off by our first annual AKF Banquet. The all-you-can-eat barbecue dinner at County Line restaurant left no one complaining about the quality or quantity of the food. Certificates of appreciation were given to the camp instructors as well as the AKF club owners and the AKF headquarters studio teaching staff. Jim Blair presented Mr. Duffy with a Kukuri, the weapon carried by the Gherka's of India. Jim has been training in the Indian system of Bando for the last five years and that system uses the Kukuri. If you missed this year's camp, them you missed a wonderful weekend. Mark your calendars now for next year's camp to be held the weekend of Columbus Day, Oct. 7,8,& 9, 2005."

And I'm still hoping to add a few more pictures from the forthcoming Camp Photo CD. If anyone was at the seminar and wants to send me your submissions, I will add them to this compilation CD.