Billy Banks

wowzers, just by watching that flick i felt that that knockout kick

was that a hook kick?

Looked like it.

The kick wasn't fast, the guy wasn't agile, the kick didn't look powerful. But hell, it was dead on accurate and hit him straight in the chin and flop, guy on floor. Shows you how effective accuracy is. Also note that he feinted before he attacked. Smart move.
I think the guy got lucky and landed a blind kick. It didn't really look like blanks to me and it didn't look like other blanks fights I've seen.

If it was him , he made a really big mistake running back like that. Beginner mistake, even.
Whomever it was, what was he doing with his hand down like that? OUCH!:confused:
We are all Human.

Billy has 1 & Lost He should Be given Credit
For testing him self.

Many people make Excuses as to Y
They will not Test There Art.

Also Billy's Tae Bo is being Coppied by Many
Calling it by many Names.

So i give him Credit for Trying & Testing him self.
Originally posted by ace

We are all Human.

Billy has 1 & Lost He should Be given Credit
For testing him self.

Many people make Excuses as to Y
They will not Test There Art.

Also Billy's Tae Bo is being Coppied by Many
Calling it by many Names.

So i give him Credit for Trying & Testing him self.

Bottom line, it still looks ugly and he got beat down. Ouch...:shrug:
Originally posted by ace

We are all Human.

Billy has 1 & Lost He should Be given Credit
For testing him self.

Many people make Excuses as to Y
They will not Test There Art.

Also Billy's Tae Bo is being Coppied by Many
Calling it by many Names.

So i give him Credit for Trying & Testing him self.

gotta say ace...i never thought i'd see the day when you defended billy blanks...:D
I Respect Anyone that steps up
& put's him/Her self on the Line

Billy is no Exception
I Respect his hear, his willingness to take that chance.

Tomany People Make excuses Y They Can't or Won't.

Test them Selves under pressure.
Originally posted by ace

I Respect Anyone that steps up
& put's him/Her self on the Line

Billy is no Exception
I Respect his hear, his willingness to take that chance.

Tomany People Make excuses Y They Can't or Won't.

Test them Selves under pressure.

I'm not sure that I actually know what this means, but it sounds like I agree with Ace. I think that is also a first!!

I think it didn't look like Billy either, and the comment didn't make much sense, but bottom line, that was an ugly knockout!!

So the dude got caught....................."let he who is without sin cast the first stone".
Hey There,

It was an interesting clip, I have to say, but wasn't this like 20 years ago? I respect a guy who steps up and gives fighting a chance. It's also reasonable to assume that he may have gotten better during the past TWO DECADES.

Circulating this video is this guy's right, because, you can't deny that Blanks got knocked out if that's him in the video, but circulating it to boost your business is semi unsportsmanlike. It's sort of like rubbing Blanks's nose in it. Whatever.

Also I've never really heard of Tae Bo being pushed as a "fighting art". I thought it was just pushed as aerobics. When I first moved to LA, Tae Bo was "the thing" for a lot of people. I was a fan of Blanks from his movies so I watched a video of Tae Bo that a friend got for Christmas. He didn't seem to push it as self defense and never talked about rank. I busted up lauging later that year when I heard a body builder at the Bally's I worked out at say he had a black belt in Tae Bo in an effort to impress a girl.

So it seems to me that Tae Bo is not a self defense style but an aerobic exercise. Has anybody heard to the contrary?

Anyway, hats off to Blanks for even getting in the ring. And spreading this video to everyone is sort of like showing a tape of of a guy getting dissed at the prom, acceptable but uncool.
Originally posted by tarabos

aw...poor Billy...

wait, what am i saying? that guy's got to be a millionaire by now...screw him.

Well Paul Monea is the guy who marketed and did all the behind the scenes stuff with regards to the videos. He gave Billy Blanks a lump sum of around $10,000,000 and the videos themselves (there are only 4 remember) have generated around $400,000,000 worldwide. So you could say that.

On August 7, 1983 at a High School gym just outside of Boston, Larry Kelley then ranked #2 in New England met Billy Blanks (before he founded Tae Bo) then ranked #1 in New England for a 2-minute barnburner confrontation.

Under the rules of tournament point karate a knock out blow usually was considered "uncontrolled" and garnered a disqualification. The kick, during sudden death overtime, that took out Billy Blanks was so perfectly executed that referees didn’t have the heart to disqualify Kelley and was awarded the point and the match.

Lol he won with an illegal kick lol that is priceless. Hey that was 20 years ago. 20 YEARS. I was 5 years old when that happened. I don't have very good resolution in my Media player is Billy a brown or Black belt in that clip. It looks like that other guy is a purple. Oh well screw it I am sure he has learned alot in 20 years and Tae Bo is about looking good not being a good fighter. Lol Ace and 7 star continues on