Beyond belief?? If only!


To him unconquered.
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Sep 7, 2006
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Columbus, Ohio
I'm still having trouble getting my mind around this... deplorable, but even more, absolutely absurd!!. Look especially at the next to last paragraph, about the ladder... :erg:
Link wasn't there the first time :)

Yeah, I sometimes overlook small details like that... :lol:

... but can you believe it???

PS The whole sorry affair has accompanying pictures... this is something out of a Fellini film!

How can there be such a huge disconnect between the site and the accompanying behavior??

Ok so I've an odd sense of humour but watching this on the news this evening I did laugh! Oh the irony of the Christian (turn the other cheek) monks fighting each other in a religious site having to be separated by the Israeli (Jewish) police in Jerusalem. Meshugas!!
It seems that the tomb of Jesus is attended to by a sect of Star-Bellied Sneetches. Who knew?

But I will site one ODD mistake the report made.
Fighting erupted between Greek Orthodox and Armenian monks at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the traditional site of Christ's crucifixion.
That's the first paragraph....
The....uh......"Sepulchre" is NOT the traditional site of Christ's crucifixion. That's Golgotha.
The Sepulchre is where Jesus' body was interred and then rose again on the third day....the tomb that was left empty.

...anyway, you're right.....this fight shouldn't happen.

Your Brother
Again, our discussion is based upon a brief article with little background; however, the outburst among these monks, including their apparently long-standing dispute over a ladder and unwillingness to agree over a fire exit, reminds me of young gangsters or gangster-wannabes.
Hmm Shaolin fightin monks Shugendo fighting monks and now Christian fighting monks I smell a National fighting Monk league cooking.

U.M.F.C.=Ultimate Monk Fighting Champship