Best excercises for speed


Ty K. Doe

Just looking for advice from fellow martial artists regardless of style. Last weekend I competed in my first tournament in roughly ten years. I feel I have pretty good technique, but was outmatched when it came to speed and timing. My hands and feet where as if they were incased in cement. It could have been due to nerves but would like some advice on training excercises on how to improve the quickness of my techniques.
jumping rope. you'll end up a lot quicker and lighter on your feet and your speed will improve because of that.
Training the CNS
Training response time and awareness
Use footwork, it makes you look faster when used correctly. Used correctly, you can even make up for your lack of super speed.
Honestly just keep training, speed comes with practice. Just practice practice practice. I know exactly where you are coming from as I compete in TKD regularly and when I come up against someone faster than me I just train harder until I get a little faster too for next time.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
ofcourse hes practicing, but how he does it is important. u should train kicking 2x more. it will give u a sooo much better/faster kick.
Ty K Doe is a woman I think... but anyway, what I meant was...... she and I both train in TKD... so I kinda have a good idea exactly how her training is going. If she just keeps focusing on the drills that her instructor is feeding her she will get faster and faster assuming shes giving 100%. Almost all of our drills are based on developing speed MuayThaiperson......not to mention kicking like you said only I didnt have to say it because I already know what she's doing....

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
i was wondering if giving more than 100% is possible. i hear ppl talking about it and i just dont think its virtually possible. maybe theyre reffering to giving it ur all the whole way?
If you work 8 hours a day, youcould work 9 hrs a day and that would be 112.5 %.

Maybe they take 100% to mean the average. Then you could do 200% of the average.

Most of the time it's just a really stupid phrase.
Ty K Doe is a woman I think...


No I'm a happily married man with children. Maybe my screen name should be changed to Ty K. Do rather than Doe.:iws:
Guess I wasn't thinking when I picked it.

Anywhay Damian thanks for your input.:kiss:
Woops my bad, I think i was confusing you with another TKD practitioner on this forum. Sorry!

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
I have to go with Damian - just train. Do heaps of reps of the same kick. You will probably notice quite a quick improvement when you do this. Flexibility also leads to speed. Apart from the normal flexibility exercises that you do e.g splits etc, do lots of slow motion kicks extending it to the fullest range you can and work on holding them there. That way you get strength and flexibility in the places you really need. Flexibility in your arms is also important and one way to get this is to hang from a bar. Simple but it works.

A good moderately slow jogging rythmn for about 1.5 miles in one direction and the same back to your starting point; using a variety of kicks which you will use in fighting every 3rd jogging step (kick on 4) for 1/3rd, every 2nd jogging step (kick on 3) the second 3rd, and every 4th jogging step (kick on 5) the last 3rd three days per will perk up your kicking, dodging and footwork speed motions. 10 to 15 set's of 10 thru 15 repetitions of single, double, and triple blocking exercises using controlled breathing will increase striking motions due to reaction and counter-response times.
Sincerely, In Humility;
Originally posted by muayThaiPerson

ofcourse hes practicing, but how he does it is important. u should train kicking 2x more. it will give u a sooo much better/faster kick.


Anyway, like everyone else said, just practice/train a LOT. Both stationary and moving-feeder. Nothing beats a good workout, TKD or not.

Also, though it's pure legspeed and doesn't affect the rest of your body, wear ankle weights. Your kicks will be much slower when you have them on, but when you take them off your legs will FLY. Ease into it, though, because your legs will get tired and you DON'T want to constantly practice with poor form for obvious reasons.
While training in TKD, there are a lot of jumps. Not just jumping kicks, but also long jumps, standing long jumps, high jumps, standing high jumps. Why is jumping necessary? It develops explosiveness that is both power and speed.

Add spinning jumping kicks and a lot of the other fancy jumping kicks and you get agility (especially the hips) and coordination not to mention more power into your hips.