At what point would you be forced to fight?

drunken mistress

Orange Belt
Jan 26, 2004
Reaction score
I think violence should only be used to counter violence. If someone is rude to you use the same weapon - your voice - and be rude back. I´m a grand master at verbal abuse. I don´t think a punch or kick is appropriate until someone is trying to cause you actual physical harm.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
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Chattanooga, TN
drunken mistress said:
I think violence should only be used to counter violence. If someone is rude to you use the same weapon - your voice - and be rude back. I´m a grand master at verbal abuse. I don´t think a punch or kick is appropriate until someone is trying to cause you actual physical harm.
I disagree. Being loud and rude back at someone (in my experience) only escalates the situation to the point of punches and kicks. It doesn't make any sense. It also puts one in a bad light as well.
One of my (personal) cardinal rules about fighting comes from (ironically) a pacifist; Herbert George Wells: "The first man to raise a fist is the first one to run out of ideas."


Master Black Belt
Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
Michigan, USA
I agree.
Being rude back, as tempting as it is sometimes, only escalates the situation to a possible physical altercation. If someone is rude to me I just shrug it off and stay calm.

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Oct 13, 2001
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MichiganTKD said:
I agree.
Being rude back, as tempting as it is sometimes, only escalates the situation to a possible physical altercation. If someone is rude to me I just shrug it off and stay calm.


Do you consier this being Rude? Here

The post right above this one.

I know I do call it rude. In my Opinion.

Also you can check out your posts in this Thread

Are some of these posts considered Rude? In my opinion it is.


May 17, 2004
Reaction score
The Canuckistan Plains
Hmmmmmm. Excellent evidence there that shooting out rude comments doesn't tend to de-escalate anything. Fortunately that was all done over a forum. May have been much worse face to face. Someone should have just "walked away" there. But, hindsight is always 20/20. Thanks for the post Mr. Parsons.


Master Black Belt
Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
Michigan, USA
There's a difference between rude for rude's sake and brutal truth. However, point taken. Sometimes you just have to let it go.


Master Black Belt
Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
Michigan, USA
Anyway, noone is ever forced to fight. Fighting is a choice we make depending on the circumstances. If someone attacks me, I could just as easily decide not to fight back, forfeiting my life, health, or the life and health of someone else. Not the bravest choice, but a choice nonetheless.

Brother John

Senior Master
Jan 13, 2002
Reaction score
Wichita Kansas, USA
Tulisan said:
No one can "force" me to do anything. It would be my obligation to use physical force in defense of myself, a loved one, or someone who is weaker and in need.

can't add much more to that!
Well said.

Your Bro.


I would fight for those who could not defend themselves and for the ones I love.

Although anger swells up inside of me often I find that my resolve in my own will power and my religion is far more powerfull than any emotion invoked by another. I firmly believe that somone can't make you feel any ceartain way. You let it happen whenever you let what they were doing or saying affect you.


3rd Black Belt
Oct 20, 2003
Reaction score
Barberton, Ohio, USA
Tony said:
I know there are many people who would punch another person senseless if a negative comment was made about their mother or even what they were wearing! Some people simply enjoy getting into fights to prove their manhood!
Other guys don't like their girlfriends being chatted up by other guys and will immediately lash out! Some Road rage incidents have resulted in brawls and even murders!
So what I wanted to know was would anyone fight for minor things like being called gay or even someone pushing in front of them in a line somewhere?
Being a placid guy I have never resorted to acting physically when I have been insulted but I would like to think if I was in danger that I could defend myself to the best of my abilities!
I have a friend who is very highly strung, quick tempered and the fact he has started Taekwondo is a worry! I don't think he has grasped the true lessons of Martial Arts. I mean he will get very confrontational if someone is looking at him funny, or if someone makes a rude comment about what he is wearing!
But there are times when I think I should have reacted but didn't because I was scared of the consequences. One of my work colleagues had made a remark about me and I think he must have thought I hadn't heard what he said as I was leaving the room, but I did! It made me really angry and if I had reacted on my impulses he would might have been limping and I would have lost my job! So I guess its a good thing I didn't!
So I would be interested in your views, when would you use your skills other then for self defence?
I will fight only when I am HIT by the other person, or if someone makes a threatening movent toward my wife I will strike first, and that is the only way I would ever strike first.


agreed. i would strike first if my life or the life of my family was in danger. no doubt.

OC Kid

I would defend myself only if I had to. If someone were trying to hurt me or hit me or my family in some way.
Do just enough to stop the person from being able to hurt me.

Which is what my son did the other day.

Which is what i tell my students to do.

Then call the police and let them handle it.

Anymore gun play comes into the quotient. Its not just hands feet and sticks anymore.


Green Belt
Aug 19, 2003
Reaction score
Baton Rouge, LA
A great many potential situations come to mind and each one has a variation which could mean the difference between me doing nothing or responding physically; however, generally speaking, if someone unlawfully places their hands on me or a loved one they will experience some direct re-education on social, moral and legal codes. If anyone is committing a violent felony in my presence their life has just changed for the worst.

It is certainly an individual choice, as is most things. I suspect that if people relied less on dialing "911" and praying for rescue from something that is occurring NOW (practically, logistically and geographically impossible), and took individual responsibility for their own, and their loved ones safety, far fewer problems would exist.

But that's me. *shrug*


Martial Arts teaches one to avoid all possible fights and forms of violence.

The only time I would ever be FORCED TO FIGHT is if my life is being threatened or if a close friend or someone I love is being physically hurt.


OC Kid said:
I would defend myself only if I had to. If someone were trying to hurt me or hit me or my family in some way.
Do just enough to stop the person from being able to hurt me.

Which is what my son did the other day.

Which is what i tell my students to do.

Then call the police and let them handle it.

Anymore gun play comes into the quotient. Its not just hands feet and sticks anymore.
I totally agree with you!

Also the best self defense is to run.

kenpo tiger

Senior Master
Jun 5, 2004
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7starmantis said:
My simple answer is never. You said when would you use your skill other than self defense? Never. Ok, let me rephrase that, self defense or the defense of someone else. Thats the only time I would fight.

Well said. :asian: I concur. KT

kenpo tiger

Senior Master
Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
Rich Parsons said:

Do you consier this being Rude? Here

The post right above this one.

I know I do call it rude. In my Opinion.

Also you can check out your posts in this Thread

Are some of these posts considered Rude? In my opinion it is.
In defense of MichTKD (which I'm not always ready to do but am now), he does tend to sound a little testy at times. As 7Star and loki pointed out earlier in this thread, sometimes what's written doesn't translate well and we misunderstand each other. Within this forum (and with the exception of the originator of another thread elsewhere on this board who uses this forum to boast and bash other arts he feels are bogus) we all try to be respectful of each other's opinions. I think maybe we all need to examine our language and what we are trying to say before hitting the 'submit' button. After all, you have to consider when to submit in a fight -- or at which point you would be forced to fight... KT

Kevin Walker

Hi Guys,

The older I get, the less fights I get into - I guess it just comes with age and maturity.

But for me to get into a physical fight:

1.) It has to be a self-defense situation, against anybody!

2.) I'm protecting the life or health of another person.

3.) I'm protecting some irreplacable & highly valuable documents or property (for example, I would fight to protect the 'Mona Lisa' or the state constitution from damage by vandals, etc.).

I would get into a word fight or argument:

4.) If I or my wife, girlfriend, female relative, or close friend, were verbally abused.

5.) I had to defend myself against malicious gossip or false accusations.

and I would commit aggravated felony homocide:

6.) If somebody (anybody) made fun of my pink tutu.

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