At times I can be quite a comic book geek...


Brown Belt
Dec 30, 2008
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... and as such tend to keep myself in the know regarding some of my classic favorites. That said, I've been waiting to say this for quite some time:

Batman is gone

Actually, Bruce Wayne is gone- largely considered dead by the DC comics universe- and battle of sorts has risen up to decide who wil done the cape and cowel.

The most likely candidates are his four sons (if you didn't know, that's three by adoption, and one supposedly through a fling). "Spoilers" (possibly red herrings) are out as to who will take up the mantle, and in turn who will be the new Robin.

Thank you for reading through my geek moment... lol.
I hate when they do this stuff.
Yeah, well they have to in order to maintain sales for a new generation, if they don't keep up then they might as well retire and call it good.


Funny how they seem to think you have to keep the character fresh... when it's the villians and the stories that are what's important... IMO anyway.
The weird twist here is that the story portrays him as having his body killed off, but his spirit forced to live on. Of course, it would have to be that weird, or else there wouldn't be a possiblity of bringing him back, which often seems to be the case with comic book characters (as of record, Captain America is STILL dead, but who knows how long that'll last).
I followed the Capt. America (Civil War) story, but not the Batman one. My son is following it though. Staying dead? With more movies on the way? I'm not buying it.
I followed the Capt. America (Civil War) story, but not the Batman one. My son is following it though. Staying dead? With more movies on the way? I'm not buying it.
No doubt. In all likelyhood, Bruce Wayne will still exist in the movies, but as for the comics, he'll be "dead" for a while, during which time, all signs point to one of the current/past Robins being the Batman for the comics, until the writers run out of other ideas, and decide to bring him back.
No problems with being a comic book Geek..I remember when DC killed them all off and restarted from day one..I remember thanking Gawd they did away with the Superman's costume being made from the blankets that he was wrapped in storyline..
I followed the Capt. America (Civil War) story, but not the Batman one. My son is following it though. Staying dead? With more movies on the way? I'm not buying it.
The movies have a helluva long way to catch up with the comic stories... :lol: provided they don't get stupid like the first franchise did starting with the 3rd film.

I'd still love to see a straight to film version of Batman Vs. Predator. The Dark Horse comic was superb in every sense and would be fitting with the present Dark Knight that's on film right now.
I was unaware of this turn of affairs. I recall a huge hue and cry years ago when DC "killed" Superman. Apparently, they had concoted an array of universes with different Supermen. Very confusing.
Well they broke Batman's back and he came back. Killed Robin and he came back. Killer Superman and he came back I see a pattern.

You can't kill a superhero icon you can only kill him long enough to interest the reader.

I remember the Superman death craze those things were selling for $100's then they brought him back and the comic went down fast kinda of like Shaq's rookie card in the late 90's.
Hey if there's a job going I wouldn't mind having to wear the ol cape and cowl. Of course I'd want some serious danger money and I'd have to sort something out about the unsociable hours. Hmm, second thought maybe not, though the playboy lifestyle is tempting... I think I'll shift over to Marvel instead. Who's with me in establishing Spark industries?

Seriously though, comic book superheroes can't be killed any more. They're avatars for all the things kids (and probably most adults!) have to deal with in life. They've been around long enough. It's just another form of myths written in a different context for a newer age.
Yeah man, Battle For The Cowl has been great so far. I think it's gonna fall to Dick again to become Batman though Damien being Bruce's heir should get it.

Who cares if they killed Bruce? There still will be a million Elseworld books with him in future, they'll come up with some sort of "untold tales of the bat" thing and have it run concurrently with the current canon Batman.

As for the Captain America/Bucky thing. I'm loving it, but how can you not, it's had stellar writing and I love Alex Ross' redesign of the suit.
Yeah man, Battle For The Cowl has been great so far. I think it's gonna fall to Dick again to become Batman though Damien being Bruce's heir should get it.

Who cares if they killed Bruce? There still will be a million Elseworld books with him in future, they'll come up with some sort of "untold tales of the bat" thing and have it run concurrently with the current canon Batman.

As for the Captain America/Bucky thing. I'm loving it, but how can you not, it's had stellar writing and I love Alex Ross' redesign of the suit.

Actually possible spoilers have been released. In four words: Batman, Robin, identities, sketches
... and as such tend to keep myself in the know regarding some of my classic favorites. That said, I've been waiting to say this for quite some time:

Batman is gone

Actually, Bruce Wayne is gone- largely considered dead by the DC comics universe- and battle of sorts has risen up to decide who wil done the cape and cowel.

The most likely candidates are his four sons (if you didn't know, that's three by adoption, and one supposedly through a fling). "Spoilers" (possibly red herrings) are out as to who will take up the mantle, and in turn who will be the new Robin.

Thank you for reading through my geek moment... lol.

I hate when they do this stuff.

It sounds like the "Death of Superman" when there were four super men who were acting or taking on the role of Superman.
It sounds like the "Death of Superman" when there were four super men who were acting or taking on the role of Superman.

That's what it reminded me of when I was reading through this thread.

Read "Knightfall" by Dennis O'Neil and "Death of Superman" by Roger Stern, these are the novelizations of the story lines where Bruce Wayne's back is broke and he needs a replacement and Superman dying from his fight with Doomsday. VERY good reads.
That's what it reminded me of when I was reading through this thread.

Read "Knightfall" by Dennis O'Neil and "Death of Superman" by Roger Stern, these are the novelizations of the story lines where Bruce Wayne's back is broke and he needs a replacement and Superman dying from his fight with Doomsday. VERY good reads.
I have to agree. I wish they went a little more in-depth with the Knight Quest chapter, but overall, it was a good story- same with the Death and Return of Superman arcs.

Don't know if you guys read Batman RIP or Final Crisis, but they both have to do with Batman's demise, and the Batman: Last Rites ties in really well as a post-Batman RIP story.