Ashida Kim.

Are you sure thats a parody site? seemed a bit large to me... Dunno. :shrug:
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Are you sure thats a parody site? seemed a bit large to me... Dunno.

Honestly, I wasn't sure until I saw the amorous adventures link. Then I figured it must be.

If I'm wrong, please don't tell me.
Oh my....Ashida Kim.

Believe it or not, he takes himself quite seriously. Is he affiliated in any way, shape or form with real Ninpo? Not a chance..

Everything he states is wrong. He basically tried to hitch on to the "Ninja 80's Boom" bandwagon. He tends to target kids with some mis-direction in their life...and unfortunately they fall into it.

The guy is an extreme nutcase. A few years back, I sent him an email asking for lineage references (for a good chuckle), his response was less the cordial ;)

He's written some books about "ninjitsu"...pretty commical stuff. Definately great stuff to read outloud at parties with beer and whatnot. Makes for good laughs.
Every time I went to the bookstore with my buds, I'd wander off to the MA section (alright, sports section, but that's where they are, dammit!) and my friends would eventually wander over to look for the latest Ashida Kim book.

It's a pity they weren't classified as comedy...they would have sold much better and proven much more useful that way.

I heard he was based out of Tampa, or the Tampa area. Why does that area have so many goofs?

Oh man... I thought the name sounded familiar.... Double checked my "maybe buy list" He's got a few on there.


This saves me some $$
Count Dante...:D

Ashida teaches something called "Kata Dante"...which is killing your opponent 34092384234 different ways in 10 seconds or some such nonsense. I've seen a moving gif of the kata...and nothing at all would be anywhere effective.

Unfortunately he's just a little boy that never decided to grow up.
Dammit, I used to know Kim's real name. If I remember correctly, he isn't the least bit Asian. I'll see what I can dig up.

This is from RMA, so get a few grains of salt:

Ashida Kim = Christopher Hunter

As of 1997, he was operating out of Lakeland, FL.

Apparently, back before the name change and at the beginning of the 'ninja boom', he wrote a book under his real name called The Ninja Training Manual or somesuch. Hold on. I'll see if I can find anything on that...

...searching... it.

Okay, Ninja Training Manual was written in the mid-90's. I think he was trying to write under his real name in a pathetic attempt to get some credibility. After all, how many 'koga ryu' masters do you know with a Japanese first name and Korean last name and don't have a single drop of Asian blood in them?

It's so sad, it's funny. And vice-versa.


PS - check out the library forum for a link I posted there.
After all, how many 'koga ryu' masters do you know with a Japanese first name and Korean last name and don't have a single drop of Asian blood in them?

How many Koga ryu masters are there that aren't dead.....along with the school itself? :D

The Koga ryu densho and makimono are in a museum in Tokyo. Doesn't sound too "alive" to me.

Fujita sensei was the last Soke of Koga ryu. Fujita sensei, his seniors *and* the school of Koga ryu died in 1969 from a car wreck.
I've heard the name Fujita connected to Koga ryu before, but didn't know that bit of info. THANKS! :D

Are there any reputable resources (in English) on the Koga Ryu? Particularly, history, philosphy, and differences from modern day ninjutsu.

When I was living in Japan, all the movies and cartoons with ninjutsu talked about 'Iga this' and 'Koga that', and I've always been interested in factual information along these lines.

Thanks a lot! I'll check it out today. Had a 2.5 hour drive today, and I need my shut-eye.

Thanks again,

Originally posted by Jay Bell
Ashida teaches something called "Kata Dante"...which is killing your opponent 34092384234 different ways in 10 seconds

So you're saying that he's teaching kenpo? :D

I've seen a moving .gif of part of it on the referenced web site. I don't understand how he gets from Black Dragon kung fu to him being a ninja.

If it is serious, how can one explain the sexually explicit "Amorous Adventures of Ashida Kim" tape? It's beyond the pale.
Oh, it gets better! Just check out the whole site:

Ashida Kim (snicker)

The links are just as funny, if not more so!


I, personally, cannot believe this stuff is still "news" to some people.
Pardon my French, I can be fluent when necessary, someone on a forum in a distant galaxy once referred to "Ashida Kim" as, "I Sh*tta Kitten" and I just thought that described some of the stuff that surrounds him nicely. :D
Well we haven't done enough yet to get on the official Sh*t list. We must try harder.