Arnold is running!

Originally posted by Technopunk
Well, where i am coming from, I'm not talking about them taking my job (if they want to become that well eduacted about PCs and take my job so be welcome that for a change) or about "paying" for them...

By that, It sounds like You make the assumption that I am speaking soley about the hispanics, but I'm not...

I admit that my neighborhood has a gang problem and that its mostly hispanic gangs... I admit its ONLY the hispanic immagrants, legal AND illegal, pushing for me to have to learn spanish because they dont want to learn english... (At least, as far as i know, no illegals from spain have been trying that here...) and I think those types of arguments are the reason that everyone thinks "Mexico" when they think "illegal" but the fact is they come from all over the world...

Regardless of how much your hearts want to bleed for the ones who snuck across the border, smuggled in on a boat, or whatever means they had for getting here from Europe, Mexico, Russia or Asia... by dismissing/justifying it you are approving of it. You openly admit that crime is ok... in which case Do me a favor, mail me all your stuff, since It OK for me to rob you, becuase "Hey, its just a Crime, no big deal" (in theory it actually boosts the economy (oh dont get me started on that)) but anyhow mail me your stuff, cuz it saves me the trouble of ACTUALLY coming and stealing from you. :shrug:

I know, I know, we ALL are hypocrites when it comes to the law, Some of us speed, some of us fileshare, some of us do other things... but illegal immigration seems pretty damn big comparativley.

<shrug> Maybe its just me... but My family followed the procedure outlined by the laws when they came, and I just think it undermines everyone who DOES make the effort... and regardless of anyone elses opinion, I will never condone Illegal immigration.

I have a plan for all the idiot gang members you mention. Pick em all up, dump em in North Korea, and say, "good luck boys!":cool:
"Openly admit that crime is OK?" Say what? You're going to find out, over time, that these halluncinations come out of propaganda from the likes of Darryl Issa....a fool who has now stuffed California into a big fat expensive disaster to satisfy his own ego, and didn't even have the guts to stay in the election...
Originally posted by rmcrobertson
"Openly admit that crime is OK?" Say what? You're going to find out, over time, that these halluncinations come out of propaganda from the likes of Darryl Issa....a fool who has now stuffed California into a big fat expensive disaster to satisfy his own ego, and didn't even have the guts to stay in the election...

ok... What???? Your a weird guy Robert. :D I like reading your posts, but sometimes you come outta nowhere with some of this stuff...
Originally posted by cali_tkdbruin
Thank you for pointing that out Ender. Many R-Wing conservatives pontificate about the evils that immigrants, illegal immigrants, are doing to our state. The fact of the matter is that these People help our state run, and input quite a bit of money into the state's economy.

Contrary to the popular perception, not all of the illegals are on the public dole with their hands out. Most put into the system, are taxed, but never take anything out of the system. Those with blinders on, take them off and open up your eyes to reality. Reality Bites... :asian:

Well, I'm a conservative. But, the trouble is most people see thru a perspective of hate or of trying to place the blame on someone or a group of people. The reality is that the majority of people on welfare and public aid are white, just like the majority of criminals are white....why?, because thay have the numbers of the majority...pretty simple really...and as a proportion of their size relative to the their population, hispanics are under represented in receiving "welfare" many times have you seen an immigrant with a sign asking for money on the freeway offramp? no, they are there trying to sell flowers or oranges. they hustle.

and as far as gangs, here in california there are vietnamese gangs, iranian gangs, caucasian gangs, chinese gangs..and on and on.
With people like McRobert way out in left field no wonder the state of CA is in debt. I never said they didn't benefit the economy... But a lot of them come up here and expect us to pay for their kids, medical, and food without even being citizens of this country. Your state was milked pretty darn quick.

#1. Most of the good jobs left CA because of all the regulations and high taxes.

#2. The illegals ran up here and jumped on social programs which essentially milked all of the states money putting CA into horrible debt.

McRobert, if you like living in ol' mexico with people that hold no alliegence to this country than you can have at it buddy. Just don't complain if something happens to you.

Yea, immigrants are not my enemy..... if some terrorist smuggled a dirty bomb across the border and blew up a portion of a city they would probabily blame some "Right Wing American Extremist"
Wellp, I'm sorry that you find the inscription on the Statue of Liberty and a willingness to look at reality, "way out in left field."

You are writing out of a lack of knowledge. While California's budget problems are affected by illegals, they aren't its primary causes. Those lie in the sagging national economy, the pullout of corporations like McDonnell Douglas and Boeing (which had jack to do with tax burdens, though that's certainly their alibi), the deregulation of energy companies (which the folks, "way out in left field," warned about again and again and again), corrupt corporations and stupid investments, the shifting of tax burdens from a federal to a State level--and, hate to tell ya, the way capitalism works.

Has it ever occurred to you that your claims ally you with big corporations and some of the biggest race-baiting jerks in America?

Just do the reading. I realize it's easier for all of us to go nodddingly along with various sorts of bigotry, to repeat the--let me charitable--cliches we hear when we're growing up, to throw accusations about, "liberalism," but that doesn't make us correct. I did it way back when...then I woke up.

I won't post on this again. You don't know what you're talking about, you probably aren't going to be bothered to learn, and the general patten of these posts means that you'll only start more and more name-calling. And I take another look at, say, that loon Ann Coulter's book if I want some of that...

So I wish you well, I hope that your martial arts training goes well.
So ya go Ahnold, funny + bad for bush = double plus good

Not to get this back on topic or anything.
How Come No one mentioned that Jello Biafra was running...

OH YEAH... becuase he runs EVERY ELECTION in CA and would actually FIX stuff there!

Actually I think he never gets voted for because he runs under somthing stupid like the communist ballet or Green Party...

Oh well. I think Henry Rollins should be elected. Heads on Spikes. Hehe.
Originally posted by TKDman
With people like McRobert way out in left field no wonder the state of CA is in debt. I never said they didn't benefit the economy... But a lot of them come up here and expect us to pay for their kids, medical, and food without even being citizens of this country. Your state was milked pretty darn quick.

#1. Most of the good jobs left CA because of all the regulations and high taxes.

#2. The illegals ran up here and jumped on social programs which essentially milked all of the states money putting CA into horrible debt.

McRobert, if you like living in ol' mexico with people that hold no alliegence to this country than you can have at it buddy. Just don't complain if something happens to you.

Yea, immigrants are not my enemy..... if some terrorist smuggled a dirty bomb across the border and blew up a portion of a city they would probabily blame some "Right Wing American Extremist"

Well those two points are only PARt of the problem. What really happened is that the DOTCOM boom went bust, decreasing revenues into the government. When revenues decrease, spending should also decrease.

But deficit spending CAN help the economy as long as the deficits are not too deep or for too long. In the case of Calif., spending cuts were the cure, not deficits. We had too many special interest groups and social programs locked in with automatic spending increases. the biggest being double dip retirements. if you look at the budget, education, healthcare and retirements make up the biggest chunks of the budget. you can't have it both ways. You can spend when you have the money, but you have to cut when you don't.
Darn did you know arnold is running:D
They even mentioned it once or twice on tv:rofl:
Can anyone even name 3 of the other candidates out of the 200 in that contest
ME thinks its rigged by the media to be a circus no matter what the outcome
I find it interesting that I know more on the cal. recall than I do the next presidential election....
Originally posted by Technopunk
How Come No one mentioned that Jello Biafra was running...

OH YEAH... becuase he runs EVERY ELECTION in CA and would actually FIX stuff there!

Actually I think he never gets voted for because he runs under somthing stupid like the communist ballet or Green Party...

Oh well. I think Henry Rollins should be elected. Heads on Spikes. Hehe.
I went to see Jello in Spokane in May( or there abouts) and I'm afraid I could have been just as informed by watching the news. Granted I was a little tipsy but I just about fell asleep. Mr. Biafra is not going to save california. My vote would go to Arianna Huffington if I were a Californian. I'm sick like that.
Originally posted by Elfan
So ya go Ahnold, funny + bad for bush = double plus good

Not to get this back on topic or anything.
Elfan, I got it figured out. The whole right wing apparatus is a vile liberal plot. And they thought they could fool us.
Just FYI, kids, the first or second biggest liberal, "special interest group, " in California, and the only State program to get their budget increased rather than slashed this year was...wait for it...taaaaadahhh...the Correctional Officers' union, and their concomittant prison budget.

And this year, the US passed Russia and Communist China in the percentage of its population behind bars...

We're Number 1! We're Number 1!
Originally posted by rmcrobertson
Just FYI, kids, the first or second biggest liberal, "special interest group, " in California, and the only State program to get their budget increased rather than slashed this year was...wait for it...taaaaadahhh...the Correctional Officers' union, and their concomittant prison budget.

And this year, the US passed Russia and Communist China in the percentage of its population behind bars...

We're Number 1! We're Number 1!
Don't even get me started on the corrections industry. I'm a loose cannon. The public actualy votes for the most expensive ways of housing inmates because the feel cheaper alternatives are too soft on the inmates. This mentality subsequently leads to the need for and, of course, the mass hiring of more corrections officers. Can you say expensive alternatives to welfare?
Originally posted by rmcrobertson
Just FYI, kids, the first or second biggest liberal, "special interest group, " in California, and the only State program to get their budget increased rather than slashed this year was...wait for it...taaaaadahhh...the Correctional Officers' union, and their concomittant prison budget.

And this year, the US passed Russia and Communist China in the percentage of its population behind bars...

We're Number 1! We're Number 1!

No sarcasm detected there. :shrug:

I guess it isn't ALWAYS good to be the best at EVERYTHING! :(
Originally posted by rmcrobertson
Just FYI, kids, the first or second biggest liberal, "special interest group, " in California, and the only State program to get their budget increased rather than slashed this year was...wait for it...taaaaadahhh...the Correctional Officers' union, and their concomittant prison budget.

And this year, the US passed Russia and Communist China in the percentage of its population behind bars...

We're Number 1! We're Number 1!

that my be true. But there is a difference between politcal prisoners and violent criminals.
Oh man...I started laughing hysterically once I heard he was running. But then I stopped to think, if he is the governor of CA, he'll be the GOVERNATOR!!!!! Then I could picture him saying, "I am ze GOVERNATOR!!!! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!! But in all seriousness, I don't know if I'd vote for him or not. Of course I don't have to worry, I live in NY and my governor is Wacky Pataki (can't you just feel the love?).
I have to chime in here. I think the question is, could he do any worse than those immediately preceding him? Unfortunately, no one really votes "for" anyone anymore, they vote "against" those the dislike the most.
Haha...I heard on the news that about 120-140 people were registered for governor candidates. Ah-nold has some fierce competition!

Thought: I am just wondering how many of those people are actually the politicians....