Anyone practice with extendable steel batons?

arni beat me to it...Dan-Bong techniques work real well with a close baton...
- Pressure point striking.
- Muscle/tendon/nerve pinching (Not that Spock stuff either:)).
- Joint/finger lock flows as well.
Heres a couple of ideas. If the closed baton is in my rear hand I can use the butt to destroy his fist on any straight punches and follow up with a lead hand blow followed imediately with a downward hammering blow. Repeat as necessary or until you can safely open the baton. If the closed baton is in my lead hand I would use it for thrusting with the butt end much like I would with a knife held in reverse grip. Of course open as soon as you can safely. The dulo methods are great. The monadnock course is excellent for a short course as well.

Tony Torre
Miami Arnis Group
Great information Tony and practical techniques -- thanks!
There are all sorts of traditions of the short stick--Korean (dan bong), Japanese (yawara), Fiilipino (dulo), and more I'm sure, plus of course the tactical flashlight. There's also the Kubotan, and the Judge's Pen! There are many ways to do it.

Thanks for all the leads Arnisador -- I can't wait to explore the different arts!

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