Anyo 1,2,3,4

I'm confused. You have a teacher or you don't??? If you can find what you're looking for from what the folks here have been kind enough to post, good luck to you. However, and I know you won't like this answer, but I'll say it anyway. If you think that learning from a tape is anywhere near the same quality that you would get from a real live teacher, you're kidding yourself. Sorry, but its just not the same, and I can't, with a clear mind, say to you that it will be the same. I don't like to 'sugar coat' things, and make people think that it'll be the same when it isn't.

But, in any case, it seems to me anyways, that you're not interested in hearing that. You're more interested in a short cut. That being said, Good luck in your training.


You really strange , O.K.

thanks for sharing mr: Mike.
You really strange , O.K.

thanks for sharing mr: Mike.

Ummm..ok. Whats strange, is your persistant request for stuff that you should be learning from a teacher, yet in one post you say you have one and in another you say you don't.

But, like I said...good luck in your, :)
I agree with a lot of comments here. If you are new to the art, it is very difficult to learn the anyos and the subtleties of them without a qualified/certified teacher. If you have years of experience in the art, videos may be useful as a review or to refine the anyo. Having said that, I would not recommend learning the anyos on your own. Seek out instruction. There is nothing like real life/hands on instruction.

Good luck.

Brian Johns
I agree with a lot of comments here. If you are new to the art, it is very difficult to learn the anyos and the subtleties of them without a qualified/certified teacher. If you have years of experience in the art, videos may be useful as a review or to refine the anyo. Having said that, I would not recommend learning the anyos on your own. Seek out instruction. There is nothing like real life/hands on instruction.

Good luck.

Brian Johns

Brian hit's this on the head just as Mike did earlier. Anyo's video taped or on DVD are great to having as a learning reference tool. However you need to actually learn it from a teacher to get it right.
I agree with all the previous comments as well!

Please bear in mind Stick Man that MJS as well as the other members on this forum's intent is to help and assist each other.

This is something we do voluntarily because of our shared love of the Martial Arts.
Ummm..ok. Whats strange, is your persistant request for stuff that you should be learning from a teacher, yet in one post you say you have one and in another you say you don't.

But, like I said...good luck in your, :)


thank u for passing
I agree with a lot of comments here. If you are new to the art, it is very difficult to learn the anyos and the subtleties of them without a qualified/certified teacher. If you have years of experience in the art, videos may be useful as a review or to refine the anyo. Having said that, I would not recommend learning the anyos on your own. Seek out instruction. There is nothing like real life/hands on instruction.

Good luck.

Brian Johns

O.K. thank u so much mr:Brian Johns
Brian hit's this on the head just as Mike did earlier. Anyo's video taped or on DVD are great to having as a learning reference tool. However you need to actually learn it from a teacher to get it right.

I need this for revew know ??

thanks for passing mr: Brian R. VanCise
I agree with all the previous comments as well!

Please bear in mind Stick Man that MJS as well as the other members on this forum's intent is to help and assist each other.

O.K. maybe I dis agree all your talking

but this ...

This is something we do voluntarily because of our shared love of the Martial Arts

this is good speaking..

thanks for reply .
there is a new video on youtube of Bob Quinn doing the 4 solo baston anyos. it is a very good video. do a search for "Modern Arnis solo baston anyos 1-4 with Bob Quinn". if i knew how to put the link in here i would. sorry.
My student Chip Pike just posted some anyos on youtube. go to bob quinn arnis. That is how I was taught from the Professor. Enjoy

Bob Quinn
Dose Bob's Apat look a little funny to anyone else? Maybe it's just his version, but it looks like he's missing a step or two to me. What do you guys think?
Dose Bob's Apat look a little funny to anyone else? Maybe it's just his version, but it looks like he's missing a step or two to me. What do you guys think?

I just watched it a few times, and unless I'm missing something, I counted 19 moves, which is what I count when I perform it.

Soory guys, I just do the Anyos the way I was taught by the GM.
I'm not the smartest duck in the pond ,but if you could listen real close you would probly hear me counting to 19. Hey let's go to the pink book!

Dose Bob's Apat look a little funny to anyone else? Maybe it's just his version, but it looks like he's missing a step or two to me. What do you guys think?

He spun the wrong direction on move #8. He should have spun counter clockwise.
Ouch! That hurt!
Nothing personal Bob. It was probably because you tried to stay in frame of the video. At least you're not afraid of putting yourself out there. There are many nay sayers but, you won't find a video of their own.

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