Anybody out there....?

I train MMA... but I guess you kind of knew that... :uhyeah:
I train.. with you... guess I don't count...

I will be coming into this forum more frequently guys and gals. I was just promoted to Midwestern Regional Director of a new MMA group. So I will be checking in once in awhile.

I have trained in several MA from different Karates, Chinese, and Japanese Arts.

I hope I can share information with you all and I in turn will learn from each of you. I also design a News Letter that deals with Terrorism and Martial Arts. I also have a weekly newsletter that I get from the MMA Network. Much to share.

Mark E. Weiser
By MMA I'd mean "It looks like what those guys in MMA competitions do" not crosstraining which is kinda the impression I got from what you said, maybe I'm wrong, but hello anyways...
This is kinda looks like we (Andrew, Insedia_Cantharis, Nalia and me) might be the only ones who train this way.A few of the others who replyed were into submission wrestling which is great and I love doing it...but still not MMA. :(
I'm training in Daidojuku , a hybrid karate system which incorporates alot of Muay thai, Judo,and submission and uses similar rules to MMA.
My classes are a mix of:
  • Boxing
  • Wrestling – both freestyle and Greco
  • BJJ
  • Submission Wrestling
  • Some Judo and Muay Thai
I have trained in several styles including Shaolin, TKD, MMA, and BJJ. Currently I train with ninjas, samurais, and flying monks in the mountains of sonh Han. The teach me to blow people up without touching them and how to breakdance while floating in the air. Oh yeah and I do some sambo and wrestling on the side.
ace said:

I train at a Few Places to get out side the Box.

I have Trained at Horizon Martial Arts School in Arnis & FMA

I train at Denz Dungeon Beacuse I have a few Screws Loose,
Submission Wrestling ,Ground "n Pound , Some Boxing & Kicking

I Train With Boyd Ritchie From Progressive Ground Fighting

And The Vital Point Martial Arts Group> JKD/Kali , Mauy Thai & Grappling Arts

I have competed for

Extreme Fighting Challenge , The United States Ju Jitsu Federation
Ju Jitsu Iternational Federation, Joslin's Grappling Championships
The United States Combat Zone ***.

MMA Record is 3-0

(Kumite) Ju Jitsu Record is 19 - 4

Grappling Record is 6 - 2

Im still a Puppy Growing up in Martial Arts.
Shotosan is here! And im getting my yellow belt.... now... :D
I haven't been on MT forever (sorry, guys--BUSY!), but I train MMA! Erik Paulson's CSW, TBA Thai Boxing and more recently Mario Roberto Jiu-jitsu (go James C!)

Hi, Rikki, how are you? When are you fighting next? Ace, good luck on the 29th--I thought I'd be able to go to the show, but a close friend of mine is also fighting that weekend, and I'd like to be ringside for him.

:) jules

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