Hi, it's me again 
Is there any proof for Systema/Ross being an ancient Russian Martial Art which could convince an outsider (that doesn't have the insight a practitioner might have)?
What I often hear is: "No, there is none, since The System was kept secret even from the authorities." - That is a "convincing" argument, isn't it?
Don't get me wrong. I'm a practitioner of Systema and find it very practical.
But there are many martial artists that don't believe in the history of the RMAs.

Is there any proof for Systema/Ross being an ancient Russian Martial Art which could convince an outsider (that doesn't have the insight a practitioner might have)?
What I often hear is: "No, there is none, since The System was kept secret even from the authorities." - That is a "convincing" argument, isn't it?
Don't get me wrong. I'm a practitioner of Systema and find it very practical.
But there are many martial artists that don't believe in the history of the RMAs.