Another geeky thread about rpgs


Senior Master
Mar 5, 2006
Reaction score
Hillsboro, Oregon
Anybody else remember PARANOIA -- 'the roleplaying game of a darkly humorous future'?

They've rereleased it and adapted the humor to post 9/11 America. Seriously one of the funniest things I've read in years.

"If you don't trust The Computer, the Commie mutant traitors have already won"
bushidomartialarts said:
Anybody else remember PARANOIA -- 'the roleplaying game of a darkly humorous future'?

They've rereleased it and adapted the humor to post 9/11 America. Seriously one of the funniest things I've read in years.

"If you don't trust The Computer, the Commie mutant traitors have already won"

I loved that game.

Just becuase tou think everyone is out to get you, does not mean they are not out to get you.
Rich Parsons said:
I loved that game.

Just becuase tou think everyone is out to get you, does not mean they are not out to get you.

I played it once. It was fun. We did somthing where the computer sent us out to recover a mutant lunatic, that just turned out to be THE TICK.
Wow, hadn't heard of that game since before I was in the Army. Was loads of fun. Lately my favorite funny rpg has to be HOL.

Brian R. VanCise said:
Okay, I have never played paranoia but it sounds like fun. Could you guy's explain a little bit more what it is about? Thanks.

Brian R. VanCise


It is a game set in the future for content and technology. You are in a city (* Think Logans Run *), where the computer runs everything. If the computer finds out you have broken a law (* Not all laws are know to the player. ;) *), or the computer finds out you have an affliation with a secret group, (* Part of the character creation is to pick which secret group you belong too. *), the computer will eliminate you.

One adventure we had to go through these big doors to where there was light way up on the ceiling, so far up I could not tell how high. There was a wierd floor, with dust and rock like stuff, with these wierd green things, and these wierd tall brown things with green on them. (* My characters description of going outside *)

Another character told the Computer: We went outside, and there were trees, and flowers and birds, and dirt and the sun in the sky, with clouds, and ..., . Teh comptuer kiled him on the spot. He knew too much. ;) :D

Just because you are parnaoid does not mean that the world is not out to get you. :lol:
Technopunk said:
Oh? Been to the Church and Munch lately have we?

Not lately, have to go through the diaper swamp to get to it.

Brian R. VanCise said:
Sounds fun! In a strange futuristic type way! :)

it's absolutely brilliant!

my favorite moment ever was when my character was issued a super-deadly, super-complicated new 'nuclear rifle'. it was an awesome piece of experimental weaponry with which i was supposed to mow down the enemy rapidly advancing on our position.

too bad the instruction manual was above my security clearance...