
rutherford said:
What do you guys think about the direction of the pick? From what I've seen, the immediate pull on the ankle is in a direction parallel to the floor rather than lifting it up. Especially with people bigger than you who have their weight on the leg you're attacking, this seems to make the takedown easier.

Yup, you don't want to lift the leg, that would get their weight to shift to the other, you want to pull it out from under them, similar in effect to some types of footsweeps.
Andrew Green said:
Yup, you don't want to lift the leg, that would get their weight to shift to the other, you want to pull it out from under them, similar in effect to some types of footsweeps.

Agreed. That's what I was trying to say in my previous post: "I think it works better and would be safer to attempt in a MMA situation if you circle away from the ankle first then drive towards it, forcing the opponent out of position and picking the ankle on the way by, rather than staying in front of the opponent and reaching down for the ankle..."
So you're saying circle away and then shoot in on it?
Echsos said:
So you're saying circle away and then shoot in on it?

Sort of. I know I'm not explaining it very well but I'm trouble describing it. What I'm trying to say is, from the collar and inside control tie, rather than staying right in front of your opponent and trying to pick the ankle from there -if you circle in close toward the collar tie you can drive across their body -toward the inside control tie and the ankle you want. Know what I mean? Not forward, but circling to the right and then driving across -from right to left. You can then pick the ankle as you're driving across and it picks easily because it acts like a trip, or a footsweep, and you're not actually having to pick the foot off the floor. Does that make sense?
The way I've been doing anklepicks(I taught myself how actually haha) is that I've never actually driven it, I've so far relied completely on perfect setups to get the foot right where I want it so all I have to do is drop/kneeldown and pick it. For instance:

I would be in a collar elbow tie. I circle to the right very slowly then suddenly I take one wide step and immediately drop down. By the time I drop down the foot is either right in front of me or just about to set down and I just pick it. Care to describe how you do yours in detail? I've seen a lot of people do a kind of driving ankle pick but I've never really done those kinds myself.
Echsos said:
Care to describe how you do yours in detail? I've seen a lot of people do a kind of driving ankle pick but I've never really done those kinds myself.
I don't know if I can describe it any better than I already have.

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