I couldn't be a martial artist if I believed "peace first and only". We have discussed this before, haven't we?
In my martial art we strive to better ourselves through expression of martial technique. Sure, we could dance instead, or we could paint or write, or all three and do the same thing. Yet, on a deeper level there is an understanding that self defense could be important as well as a desire to emulate a mythos that one feels important. Personally, I seek the power my art offers so that I may come to understand it and use it appropriately...hopefully to grow more peaceful.
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How does the above view translate into the position presented on the military? I believe that the military, in its current state, is not a tool for self defense. It is a tool to make people do what our leaders want, whether by fear or by force. The end result is NOT
Self Defense. Our country spends more on our military then all of the other industrialized nations of the world combined. And we are planning to increase this spending. The Bush Administration is looking at increasing military spending to at least 4% of our GNP. This number is so rediculously large that it is nearly incomprehensable. Have you ever wondered what we lose as a society by being so militaristic?