American Kenpo Sucessors...



Do we really need a successor? I don't think we do. I don't see anyone person that could do it anyway.

I think what we need is a board of people to do this. But even that I can't see being possible.

Who would you like to see on that board?

Huk Planas would be one person I'd vote for. Who else would you all like to see?
Well, not being a kenpo practitioner myself, I can only give my opinion on this type of problem.

First, I would ask how many , oh, 8th dans and above are there? If there aren't many of those, then 7th dan and above. From this group of people, select the most senior (time-wise) who have been the most active in the art and create the board from that group of people. They would vote on all matters concerning the system, each with an equal vote.

However, since there appear to be so many splits and factions within the kenpo community, I don't think it would be possible to eliminate personal bias and favoratism. If this were done immediately after Parker Sr.'s death, then it may not have been an issue. Then again, if he officially designated a successor, it wouldn't be that big of an issue. There'd still some who would claim succession even if someone had been publicly designated. That's just human nature, unfortunately.

Okay, I'm babbling again, this time about something I've got no business discussing. So sorry.


PS. Congrats on your 'orange belt', Gou!
The problem is that there are more than a handful of people claiming 9th or 10th. In my opinion there are too many but then who am i to say?

The other problem is that even someone who has been in the art a long time might be seen as invalid to another person due to curriculum changes in the art etc. How long the spent with Parker doing what.

There was the American kenpo Senior Council, (AKSC) which tried to oversee all the organizations and associations to bring some continuity but some people didn't want to play ball and wanted more rank.

I think the best was to look at rank is to evaluate people based on how they move and what they know. A combination of that.

I have to agree with you on the idea that even the concept of a council cannot be agreed upon and that in itself is just damn sad. The worst thing is that I see the Modern Arnis players heading down this very road and nothing seems to be able to stop it.
Sorry I am not a Kenpo practicioner but I was wondering where Jeff Speakman fits into all of this.
Speakman has his own organization. The AKKS. He's not really a successor to the system per say. There would be many ahead of him. He has his own group that does their own thing. A lot of good guys in it and a few jerks, like many groups.

He has good things and bad things and while the dirt is always fun to hear it's not worth the print.

His movie, "The Perfect Weapon" was a great boon to the art in terms of general knowledge.
Thanks for the info. Just wondering how it all fits together. He seems to move well and that's how I look at most martial artists. There also seems to be so many simularities with technique.
Unfortunately, Speakman's other movies were pretty much duds. I enjoyed "Perfect Weapon", but couldn't get into his other flicks.

At the "Gathering of Eagles" are these Kenpo and Kenpo off shoots for the most part from Parkers group? It seems as if there are some major players attending. I know Dan Inosanto was asked to attend but to date has not been able to.
Jim Miller
Most if not all Kenpo in the USA that was developed here is in some way linked to Ed Parker. I'm not saying it all is his or had his stamp but he seems to always be involved or connected.

Most of Speakman's flicks after "The Perfect Weapon" were duds. But still he's been in more movies than me.:mad:
Hey Gou,

Do you know if American Kenpo, Kosho Ryu Kempo, Kara-ho Kempo, and Shaolin Kenpo share any common forms?

I don't know. if you really want to know you might surf on over to and ask the guy who runs that site. He knows a lot about that kinda stuff and it's history.
Thanks for the link, Gou...I'll check it out.

Does the 'family tree' go like this:

Mitose (Kosho Ryu)
Chow (Kara Ho)
Parker (American Kenpo)


That seems to be the prevailing theory. A;though there are those who disagree where people sit through those three guys. However I would say that's about as close as you'll get.
With all the furor erupting in the filipino arts section I'm gonna hide out in here. All you crazy stick weilding manics scare the poop outa me.

Heh heh heh

Heh, know what you mean, Gou. Hell, I probably shouldn't even be posting there in the first place, me not being a FMA practitioner and all.

But it's always fun to throw our 2 cents worth in. Besides, they need us for comic relief!
Well, most of the time I actually AM on the floor. So it's like home to me.

I wish I had a school to call my own. Then I would have my own floor.
Since I was the only one who could really fall and knew most of the techniques, I was always my instructor's 'fall guy' for self-defense techniques. I've done them so much, it's gotten to the point where I actually like being thrown.

Erupting? What erupting? I must have missed something.