after rest martial arts program



halo everyone,
i've taken my rest period after i take some rehabilitation for my muscle. And now i want to make a one year program of martial arts. can you recommend me a program for my "Come Back Plan"?
It may help if you could tell us what is available in your area. It would be a bit useless for us to suggest something and not have it available in your area.

he's from indonesia.

but may I ask what you are looking for, what are you comming back from and what are you coming to? why only one year?
i'm looking for program that can make improvement from my weakness. i suffered some muscle strain because i put too much stress on my conditioning program since i started to be an autodidak martial artist, i decided that because when i joined some martial arts club, all of my coaches seemed don't understand my physical fitness so i decided to make my own program and hope i could balancing my self with another student, and that's why muscle strain came to me and i should take rest period and do some rehab like muscle massaging. What i'm looking for is some program sugestion that maybe will make physical improvement to me so next year i can join a martial arts club again.
genneraly speaking martial arts aren't gona help you recouperate from over straining your self.. I don't know the extent of your injury, I would suggest talking to a doctor, unless it's serious a few weeks of rest should get you back in the game, and if it is serious than you need to see a medical doctor.