A special kind of stupid

well lol hummm now how do you sit there and watch this? i mean didnt anyone think hummm ya know this is a bad idea maybe i should take the lighter from him... kinda makes ya wonder if they liked him or not lol... either that or they were stupid enough to think he could live thru that and if thats the case he should have made the bomb a little bigger and taken them out with him
another man exits Darwin's waiting room.
At least he went out with a BANG!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
What an IDIOT!!!

:bomb: :rpo: :sadsong: :angel:

Well at least it wasnt in the U.S. or our over-reactive congress would be passing legislation as we type that knowlage of explosives is a crime...
Oh, for the love of...

Are people actually competing to get "The World's Dumbist S***head Award"?:eek:
I surely hope he didn't breed.

That was kinda dumb, yes...

Anybody else think the Gene Pool needs more Chlorine? No? Good!
Originally posted by Seig
You guys are forgetting something important. If there were no stupid people in the world, how would we know how smart we are?

Easily. We don't stick bombs in our mouths and don't stick our arms in a bare cage.
Originally posted by Withered Soul
Easily. We don't stick bombs in our mouths and don't stick our arms in a bare cage.

And the smarter ones among us can spell bear cage. :rofl:
Originally posted by Jill666
And the smarter ones among us can spell bear cage. :rofl:

She shoots, she scores, and the crowd goes wild!

Trying to avoid life's potholes,
Randy Strausbaugh

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