A-Rod and Anabolic Steroids: Do you care?


Master of Arts
Mar 20, 2004
Reaction score
Long Island
Let's face it: no amount of all-natural organic body building can make a baseball player look like some of these gorillas. They're all using anabolic steroids, and a "clean" athlete can't possibly compete in a field of steroidal giants.

So why does it have to become a federal case--literally--when one guy is unfortunate enough or dumb enough to get caught? Why don't we just accept the fact that pro athletes use steroids, and stop the hypocrisy?
Nah, not really. I think it's kind of funny. Baseball is kind of boring (except when you're actually at a game and you can have a hot dog and a beer, because it tastes better at the stadium.)

On the professional level, maybe they should keep an "open door" policy when it comes to "improving" an athlete's game through the use of drugs. It's a way to improve one's game, right?

Those on enhancing substances should be noted, and those that aren't have to make the decision, and do the extra work. They'll be noted for it.
Geee I don't know might be because they are breaking the law?
Pro players still have to follow that all tough it doesn’t seem that way.
I say prosecute them and the Dr's that supply them for no medical reason.
I dont know why the Feds have to get involved. Perhaps there is a jurisdictional reason, but it just smacks of "sticking their nose" into a local offense.
I dont know why the Feds have to get involved. Perhaps there is a jurisdictional reason, but it just smacks of "sticking their nose" into a local offense.

Agree with that, only thing i can think of is that it is
"The National Legue" LOL
I dont know why the Feds have to get involved. Perhaps there is a jurisdictional reason, but it just smacks of "sticking their nose" into a local offense.

Because the federal government has given MLB exemption to some anti-trust laws and MLB has grown dependent upon that exemption. Part of the issue is whether the federal government should continue to grace MLB with the exemption with illegal drug use running so rampant within the league.

Personally I'd be fine if the government stopped giving goodies such as the exemption to MLB, and enforcement was left to the local constabulary...who probably has a lot more experience fighting illicit drug use than ivory tower politicians.
Geee I don't know might be because they are breaking the law?
Pro players still have to follow that all tough it doesn’t seem that way.
I say prosecute them and the Dr's that supply them for no medical reason.

But there's also a principle called "selective prosecution," or "unequal application" of a law, which can serve as a valid defense. You only hear about a handful of athletes every year getting caught and suffering consequences--probably because someone gets annoyed at them and rats them out, because they act out in roid rage, or because they drop dead of the health consequences. That's got to be the very tip of the iceberg.

And the public adores these giants--demands them. So it's complete hypocrisy to act shocked and dismayed when you find out that your beloved .300-hitter uses steroids.

Why not just legalize steroids? Or another modest proposal: test every player every day, prosecute the offenders and their doctors, and while you're at it, jail the doctors who do plastic surgery "for no medical reason."
I don't see why the average person cares whether or not a PRO athlete uses roids or not. As far as I am concerned, I wish they would let the pros use roids. They need to do something to organized sports to make them exciting, IMO.

The only problem roids create is this, some parent saying my little Johnny did not make it into the pro levels because they did not use them. The parents need to open their eyes. It has nothing to do with the use of roids. It has to do with their child being a no talent hack. I guess this whole issue hits home with me, as I have a client whose parent thinks they are going to play pro football, though the kid kas no chance of playing college ball, let alone pro ball. If the pros want to juice, let them.

Sorry for the rant. This subject is getting me miffed.